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< August >
< Wednesday 18th, 2021 >

{ Ashton }

"I'm heading out boys" I spoke as I gathered my things from around the studio,

"What? Why?" Calum asked. It was only two in the afternoon, but I wanted to go home and see my daughter. Yes, my daughter.

Almost three years ago now, my daughter, Oakley, was born. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me- completely unexpected- but the best thing in my life. She's a spitting image of me almost. Her mom is KayKay, my on and off again girlfriend. Currently, we are off and are officially done. But just because we're off doesn't mean that we completely ignore each other. We have to be civil because of Oakley.

Over quarantine everything was okay. We were happy and we were happy living together and raising Oakley. Then one day I came home from taking Oakley to Luke's and KayKay had a bag and told me we were done and she got a studio apartment. So we separated. Oakley lives with me full-time. KayKay does see her but Oakley hardly ever stays overnight with her since KayKay has no bedroom for her. KayKay also doesn't come around much to see Oakley either, but Crystal and Sierra- even Calum's new girlfriend Brandy- have been so good with Oakley and help take care of her when I'm in a bind.

"I'm going to pick Oakley up. She's hanging out with Crystal for the day. Then she and I are going to get stuff for her birthday party this weekend" I laughed,

"You're telling me she's at my house right now and I'm here" Michael acted offended. I laughed. All the boys love Oakley and are the best uncles to her,

"Sorry dude" I shrugged, "I'm leaving"

They all said bye and I headed out to my truck. I quickly climbed into the driver's seat and headed in the direction of Michael and Crystal's house.


I pulled up to the house and walked up to the door, letting myself in,

"Crys! It's me, Ashton" I called. Suddenly I heard a little gasp and watched my dirty blonde-haired daughter run around the corner,

"Daddy!" she jumped into my arms, making me pick her up and let her wrap her arms and legs around me,

"Hi baby girl. I missed you today" I cooed, kissing her head as I walked to the kitchen where Crystal was,

"Miss you Daddy"

"She did miss you" Crystal smiled, "She kept asking me when you were picking her up"

I nodded. Oakley has been very attached to my hip lately. It's so bad some days that she will sit outside the bathroom door while I use the bathroom or shower,

"Thanks for watching her Crystal. I really appreciate it" I showed my gratitude as I put Oakley back on her feet, letting her run to grab her stuff she brought over,

"Yeah of course Ash. You know I'll watch her 24 hours a day if you needed me too" Crystal grinned, "So what are you all going to do now?"

"We're going to get stuff for her birthday party then probably head home" I shrugged,

"Is Kay coming to her party?" Crystal whispered as Oakley jogged back in, giving me her backpack as she held onto her baby blanket,

"I don't know. I invited her"

Crystal nodded. I feel bad for Crystal and Sierra. They're in the middle of the me and KayKay thing. KayKay is their friend but I know they don't like how she just dips on Oakley all the time,

"Daddy" Oakley whined and tugged on my pants. I nodded,

"Thanks again Crys"

Crystal smiled and I walked Oakley out to my truck, opening the back door. I sat her backpack in the open seat then lifted her into her carseat. I buckled her in then shut the back door and climbed into the driver's seat,

"Ready to go get some stuff for your party?" I asked my toddler as I backed out onto the street,

"Yeah!" she yelled, her voice full of excitement. I laughed then turned the music up for her, then grinning when she started to scream all the words to Let It Go.


I helped Oakley out of the car when we got to the party store. I put my mask on then helped her out her tiny one on. She technically doesn't have to wear one because of her age but I feel better with her in one.

We headed inside and Oakley gripped my hand,

"Do you know what kind of party you want?" I asked,

"Blues Clues" she spit out immediately. She loves Blues Clues. I didn't even know it was still on tv until Oakley started to watch it. I nodded and we headed down an aisle that had all the different character themed parties,

"Daddy wook!" she let go and took off to the end of the aisle, stopping right at the Blues Clues stuff. I laughed lightly and started grabbing plates, cups, and napkins. Oakley wanted to hold them so I handed them over then grabbed one of those birthday banners and a few other decorations,

"Let's go check out and get balloons then we will get some dinner," I told Oakley. She nodded and followed closely behind me up to the checkout,

"I'm guessing your birthday is soon?" The cashier spoke to Oakley as I got my credit card out,

"Mhm. I thwee" Oakley proudly held up three fingers,

"Wow. You're getting big" the lady laughed then looked at me, "Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Yeah, can I go ahead and get a number three ballon and a few of the Blues Clues ones"

"Yeah. When do you want to pick those up?"

"Friday night" I nodded. The lady nodded and finished up checking me out before handing me the bag of stuff we bought today,

"Thank you" I smiled then grabbed the bags and Oakley's hand and headed back out to my truck.


We had gotten home after dinner and played for a while, but now it was bedtime for Oakley,

"Come on. Let's put all your toys away" I told her,

"Aww," she pouted but did as told then climbed in her bed,

"Daddy hair up," she told me. I nodded and grabbed a brush and a hair tie, pulling her hair up in a loose bun. She hates to sleep with it down for some reason,

"Alright. Ready for bed now?" I asked, tucking her in and making sure she had her baby blanket and stuffed bear. She nodded,

"Okay baby girl, goodnight. Sleep tight-"

"Don't wet da bugs bite" Oakley finished. I smiled and kissed her head,

"I love you" I whispered,

"Wove you Daddy"

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