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< Saturday 25th, 2021 >

{ Ashton }

Today was the Global Citizen event and while Oakley was out to breakfast with Sierra, Crystal, and Brandy, I got as much done as I could. I got the house cleaned then got my backpack together which was also going to be the diaper bag for tonight. Then I did some laundry, showered, and got both mine and Oakley's clothes for tonight laid out.

Just as I finished what I needed to get done, I heard my front door open, telling me Sierra and Oakley were here.

"Daddy!" my bright-eyed daughter ran into my legs, making me chuckle and pick her up,

"Hi princess. Did you have fun at girl's breakfast?" I asked, kissing her cheek,

"Yeah. I eat pancakes" she giggled,

"She ate a lot actually" Sierra laughed, "She had a kids meal with pancakes and bacon then ate off Crystal's plate"

"Good job Oaks" I smiled and put her back on her feet, "Thanks for taking her" I looked towards Sierra,

"Of course Ashton" she smiled, "Her carseat is by your front door"

I nodded and Oakley ran off to the couch and I walked Sierra out, making sure she safely got out of the driveway before I walked inside.

"Alright Oakie Bear, we have some time before we leave. What do you want to do?" I asked,

"Can we cuddle and watch movie?" she asked with the cutest little smile,

"Of course baby girl"


During our movie, Oakley fell asleep. That allowed me to get myself  ready so all I have to do is wake Oakley up and get her dressed.

Once I was dressed, I headed out to the living room and knelt down by the couch, lightly rubbing Oakley's stomach,

"Hey baby girl" I whispered as her eyes fluttered open, "We gotta get dressed so I can go play music with your uncles"

She nodded and held her arms out so I would pick her up. I chuckled and stood, lifting her into my arms and carrying her to her room,

"Is this outfit okay?" I asked, showing her what I laid out. I had laid out a black skirt, her 5SOS shirt, and her little black Doc Martens. ,

"Yeah! Same shoe" she giggled then pointed to the Docs that were on my feet,

"We're matching!" I grinned and sat her on her feet. I got her undressed then changed her pull-up to a diaper because I didn't know how crazy it'd get there. Then I got her all dressed and did her hair in pigtails like she asked,

"All ready?" I asked,

"All weady" she confirmed,

"Let's get going"


I got to the venue and parked where I was told to. I got out first and put my backpack on then helped Oakley out,

"You have to hold my hand" I told her as we put masks on. Oakley nodded and grabbed my hand as we headed inside.

As soon as we walked in, there were people everywhere and I could tell Oakley was overwhelmed. I swiftly picked her up and let her lay her head against my shoulder,

"It'll be quiet soon" I assured. She nodded and gripped my shirt with her fists.

The security checked my pass then I headed to the room that 5SOS was assigned too. I was the last the get here so I know everyone else is chilling in there.

Once I got outside the door, I put Oakley down and let her walk in first, watching her run straight to Luke,

"You look so pretty" he complimented as I shut the door behind me,

"We match Oakley!" Calum stood, showing her his black skirt and black Doc Martens,

"Daddy has shoes too!" she jumped, bouncing her way up Calum so he'd pick her up and hug her,

"You excited to watch us sing Oaks?" Michael asked as I took a seat in the open chair,

"Yeah and Daddy pway da dwums" Oakley giggled.

We hung out in the room for a while longer then we're called to stage. I grabbed my drum sticks then knelt down to Oakley's height,

"Remember, you have to stay with Sierra, Crystal, and Brandy. You must be holding one of their hands at all times" I spoke,

"I know" she nodded,

"Alright" I smiled and kissed her head, "I love you"

"I wove you Daddy" she cheesed,

"Can I get a good luck kiss?"

Oakley nodded and kissed my cheek. I gave her a big hug then Crystal took her hand and they went to where they were going to be sitting.

The boys and I headed towards side stage where I jumped around a few times. I peaked out and saw Oakley with the girls near the front. She was sitting on Crystal's shoulders and Sierra was taking her picture. Brandy kinda stood off to the side. She wasn't real keen or real connected with Oakley like Crystal and Sierra are.

"Time to go!" One of the stage managers yelled. The boys and I all fist bumped and headed out on stage.

The performance was amazing. But the best part was watching Oakley dance around and try and sing the songs. She's never truly seen us perform before because she was too little to know anything. So I'm glad she got to see us do these five songs.

When we got off stage, we went out into the crowd where the girls were after we changed. As soon as I saw Oakley, I picked her up and hugged her tightly,

"Dat was cool!" she told me, holding onto my shoulders as her legs wrapped around my torso,

"Yeah?" I grinned, "I saw you dancing and singing out here"

She giggled and nodded,

"I'm sweepy Daddy" she told me with a little yawn, making me laugh,

"Okay. Let's watch one more person sing then we will go home and go night night"

She nodded and I moved her to my side so she could see the stage just as the next performer came on.


Oakley was sound asleep by the time we got home. I carried her inside and to her room, getting her changed into her pjs after changing her diaper. Just as I was tucking her in, she grabbed my hand,

"In your woom?"

I sighed,

"You gotta learn to sleep in your bed baby girl"

Her little lip quivered and she grabbed her Pluto,

"How about, I go change into my pjs and I'll lay down with you until you go to sleep" I suggested. She nodded and I quickly ran to my room, changing into a pair of shorts before going back and getting in bed with her,

"Close your eyes princess" I whispered, letting her head lay against my chest, "Sweet dreams Oaks. I love you"

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