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< Sunday 27, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

We leave for tour in a few days. But before we do, today Michael invited a bunch of friends to his house. Oakley is coming too and will be the only kid, but that will be okay. I know Mitchy will not be there which is why I'm okay with it.

While Oakley watched tv and played with Bear, I got our swim bag together and into the car along with Oakley's life vest,

"Alright princess, let's get ready so we can go to Uncle Mike's" I cheered. Oakley giggled and hopped off the couch, running past me and to her room. Bear wasn't far behind, rushing past my legs and almost making me fall.

I walked into Oakley's room and she was already digging through her drawers for her bathing suit,

"Which one are we wearing princess?" I asked, grabbing a swim diaper. Technically she shouldn't be wearing one but she won't tell me when she's in the pool if she has to go to the bathroom, so until I can get her to tell me she will wear one.

"Dis one" Oakley happily held up her two-piece pink flamingo bathing suit.

I quickly helped her change and put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt over it. Once she was dressed, we sat on her bed and I braided her hair for her,

"You ready to go swimming?" I asked. I love simply talking to her in little moments like this,

"Yeah. I try wif no floatie?" She asked,

"Yeah, we can try" I smiled, "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"When Mommy come back?" She asked. I ducked in a deep breath and slowly exhaled,

"She's not Oaks" I sighed, turning her so she was facing me, "I'm sorry baby girl"

Oakley just nodded and hugged me, her head tucked into my chest. I hugged her back and kissed her head, simply holding her,

"Hey" I spoke, making her sit back, "How about we go get a cake pop on the way to Uncle Mikey's?"


"I here!" Oakley yelled as we walked into Michael's backyard. I laughed and followed her in, holding all of our stuff,

"Hello Oakley-Bear" Michael smiled, picking my daughter up and hugging her,

"Sorry we're early. Oaks wants to try swimming without the floatie and I wanted to do it before a bunch of people got here" I apologized, sitting my stuff down,

"No worries" Crystal waved it off, taking Oakley from Mike and hugging her,

"You ready Oaks?" I asked. She nodded and Crystal set her down.

I got into the pool first then helped Oakley in. She was definitely nervous and I could tell by the way she was holding onto me,

"Whenever you're ready we can start," I told her. She nodded.

While waiting, Luke, Sierra, and Calum all walked in,

"You gonna learn how to swim?" Luke asked. Oakley nodded and moved to only holding my hands, her body floating,

"First thing you're gonna do is kick your legs," I told her. She nodded and frantically kicked them, making huge splashes,

"Calm down baby" I laughed, "You don't have to kick that hard. You kick and I'll move"

"Okay Daddy" Oakley nodded and gave me a small thumbs-up before taking my hand again.

Once she got her kicks down, I held her waist and had her start moving her arms around,

"Good job Oakley!" Calum cheered, making her grin widely,

"We're gonna try swimming to the wall now," I told her. She looked a bit scared but agreed.

I moved and stood with my back against the wall. She was floating out in front of me with me holding her hands,

"I'm gonna let go of your hands and you're gonna swim to me just like we were doing a minute ago" I explained,

"You got this Oakley!" Crystal cheered. Oakley put on her brave face and looked at me,

"I weady"

I smiled and let go of her hands as she started to move her arms and legs. She stayed afloat for a minute then went under, making me immediately grab her. As soon as I was holding her and she was above the water, she was frantic. She was crying and clinging to me tightly,

"No more! No more" she cried as I kissed her head and quickly got out of the pool,

"No more" I assured, taking the towel Sierra was offering and wrapping Oakley in it.

"You did so good Oaks!" Michael cheered. She just whined and tucked her face into my neck,

"There's some snacks inside Oakley. Wanna go get one?" Crystal asked. Oakley nodded and went into Crystal's arms as they and Sierra went into the house,

"Hey, at least she tried" Calum patted my back.


As the night went on, more people were there and Oakley clung to me. Michael had started a fire in the fire pit which is where we were all sitting now. Oakley was content sitting on my lap, wrapped in a blanket and munching on smores. My toddler is going to be on a sugar high after all the junk food and sugary drinks she's been given tonight, but that's okay,

"Hey Oakie, you excited to go on tour with everyone?" Matt asked her,

"Mhm" she nodded, "Have a big sweepover all da time"

Everyone laughed. That's how I had explained the sleeping on the bus to her,

"We're gonna see lots of cool stuff and places too" Luke added.

"And see Daddy pway dwums!" she giggled, "I so excited"

"I'm glad you're excited baby" I smiled, "I'm so glad you get to go with us"

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