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< Friday 31, 2021 >
< New Years Eve >

{ Ashton }

Usually on New Year's Eve, somebody will host a huge house party where everyone gets drunk off their asses and hook up with whoever is willing. I used to be that party goer- that was until Oakley was born. My whole way of life changed. I reflected on myself and saw that I wasn't the man I wanted to be for my daughter and I knew I had to change.

Oakley being born changed my friends too. They tamed down and were focusing on being good uncles and aunts to their niece.

So this year for New Year's, my friends and I are doing a small New Year's Eve get-together with Oakley at the little cove and tide pool I've started taking Oakley to.

Oakley we up bright and early this morning and ready to go see her aunts and uncles. She was disappointed when I told her we had stuff to do before. So now, she's pouting around with Bear following her every move.

"Oakley, we have stuff to do first" I sighed as she followed me down to the music room where I needed to get my Mac set up for a Zoom call with our new management company. Bear followed of course but found himself a comfy place on the couch I had down there.

Oakley immediately started to cry, making me give in and pick her up. She's been having very big emotions lately and she doesn't know how to handle them. All day long she will be whiny and clingy and will beg for me to hold her and carry her. It's been like this since Kay left for Texas. I allowed her to come over and say goodbye. She told Oakley she couldn't be a mom anymore and then just left. It hurt Oakley. She may not fully understand but she knows her mom left her.

"Do you just need a hug?" I asked, rubbing Oakley's back as I sat down,

"Y-yeah" she hiccuped and let her face hit the crook of my neck,

"I love you," I told her,

"Wove you Daddy" she whispered back.

I closed my eyes as she started to calm down. No parent wants to see their kid upset or down. It's hard because no matter what, there isn't much I can do. She has big emotions that she needs to let out and all I can do is let her,

"I have to do a video call for work. You can sit in my lap if you want but you have to be quiet" I told her. She nodded and I turned her in my lap so she could see the screen.

I logged in and joined the call, seeing I was the last one to join,

"Sorry I'm a little late" I apologized,

"You're fine" our manager, Brett, smiled, "This must be Oakley"

"It is" I nodded, "Can you say hi?" I asked her. She shook her head but then noticed her uncles were on the screen and perked up,

"Uncy Wuke!"

"Hi Oakie" Luke laughed, "Ready to party later?"

"Yeah" Oakley nodded quickly then settled back down, allowing our manager to take over. We went over some details with the new album before moving on to the upcoming tour,

"And Oakley is going too right?" he asked,

"She is" I nodded,

"Do I need to hire a nanny?"

"Absolutely not. Crystal and Sierra will take care of her when I can't" I assured.

He went over some finer details then we all logged off,

"Go to beach now?" Oakley asked,

"We have to get a few things together and then we will go" I promised. She nodded and jumped off my lap, waking up Bear and going upstairs with him.

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