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< June >
< Thursday 2, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

The people that are evaluating my parenting and whether or not my child is abused or not are coming to my house today. I was a nervous wreck. I know they won't find anything saying I hurt Oakley but it doesn't make me any less worried.

I cleaned the house as soon as I got up and let Bear out to use the bathroom. Once he was done, we came back inside and he went to be the lazy dog he always is. It was close to the time Oakley would wake up so I began making breakfast. She's very grumpy and hungry in the morning, which makes them not so fun. If she's like this at three years old, I can't imagine how it'll be when she's a teenager.

Just as I was about to finish up, little footsteps made their way into the kitchen. Soon Oakley appeared and hugged my leg, asking to be picked up. I swiftly lifted her to my hip and kissed her head as she laid hers on my shoulder,

"Good morning" I grinned,

"Hi" she mumbled, "I'm hungwy"

I couldn't help but laugh. She can clearly see I'm making food,

"I know baby. It's almost done" I told her. She nodded and stayed on my hip. Once I got her food on a plate, we sat at the table to eat. She sat in my lap, not wanting to leave my side and being extra clingy this morning,

"What's going on Oaks?" I asked, noticing the behavior,

"Scawed they take me fwom you" she whispered, her bottom lip pouting and a little tear falling from her eyes,

"Oh Oakley" I sighed and hugged her tightly, "They aren't taking you. You aren't going anywhere"

She nodded and I offered her another bite of scrambled eggs. She took it and then laid back against my chest.

We finished breakfast and both got dressed for the day then sat back watching Blue's Clues while waiting for the CPS people to come.

About an hour later, there was a social worker, a doctor, and an officer in my house hounding my child with questions. Oakley was not enjoying it especially because I was nowhere near her. I have a level five clinger child so separation in situations like this is a lot for her.

Next thing I knew she was crying and running to me. I knelt and pulled her into a hug then looked at the workers,

"What did you ask her?" I questioned,

"Why her mom left" the social worker told me,

"She's three. How would she even be able to answer that? Plus, she's already more than upset that her mom left, I don't need her more upset" I bit. They all nodded and the officer walked towards me, making me stand with Oakley in my arms,

"We have what we need so we'll head out. She's not being abused and that is very evident. Thank you for your time" he spoke. I nodded and watched them leave before sitting to conolse my daughter,

"Did Mommy weave because of me?" she asked,

"No princess. Mommy left because she decided she didn't want to be a Mommy or love me anymore. I know it's hard to understand. When you get bigger, I promise we will have a big girl talk about it all"

Oakley nodded and laid her head on my shoulder,

"Don't weave me Daddy"

"I will never ever leave you baby"

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