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< Wednesday 8th, 2021 >

{ Ashton }

Today was our last day here at Disney and we were going to Hollywood Studios. I know Oakley's really going to like today. There's a bunch of Disney Jr stuff she'll get to see and a Frozen sing-a-long show.

I woke up before Oakley and got most of everything packed for our flight tomorrow and packed the backpack for the park today. Once bags were packed, I got dressed then waited for Oakley to wake up.  This trip has exhausted her. She's definitely not used to going to bed way past her bedtime. I know when we get home, she'll sleep for days.

As I scrolled through my phone from my spot at the end of the bed, I heard movement behind me which made me turn around,

"Good morning baby girl" I smiled as Oakley sat up and rubbed her eyes. She crawled out from under the covers and made her way to me, making me pull her into my lap and hug her small body,

"Did you have a good sleep?" I asked, brushing through her crazy bedhead with my fingers,

"Yeah. We go to pawk now?" she spoke making me chuckle,

"Let's get dressed, get some food in that belly, and then we will go" I smiled, placing her on the bed and getting up to grab her clothes. I helped her get dressed and did her hair then we were out the door and onto Hollywood Studios.


We walked into the park and I got Oakley in her stroller.

"Where should we go first?" I asked,

"Frozen show!" she yelled. I chuckled and headed that way.

I parked the stroller in stroller parking by the ride then helped Oakley out and we got in line to go inside. She was not a fan of standing and waiting so I picked her up and settled her on my hip,

"Are you gonna sing super loud?" I asked her,

"Mhm. I sing all Anna songs" she told me, "You sing Hans"

"But I don't want to be the bad guy" I playfully whined,

"Too bad" she shrugged as the doors open and we headed in. Oakley already couldn't contain her excitement.

We got seated and Oakley ended up sitting on my lap. When the show started, Oakley's whole face lit up. She was so happy and so excited. When it came time for Let It Go, she stood in front of me, and she and the little girl next to us sang their little hearts out together.

When we got out of the show, it led into the little shop. Thankfully everything Oakley saw she already has at home. When she first really got into Frozen, Michael went and bought her everything you could think of.

Next, we decided to go to Toy Story Land and we got on the alien saucer ride. Oakley screamed the whole time. She absolutely hated it. So when we got off, I had to carry her as she just screamed,

"Baby, I'm sorry. I thought you would like it. We won't go on it again" I cooed as I tried to calm her down, "How about we go see if we can find Vampirina?"

Oakley nodded, ready to see one of her favorite show's characters. She grumpily sat in her stroller and we headed that way. She was still mad at me for making her go on that ride. In all honesty, I thought she'd like it.

We got to the Disney Jr area and Oakley spotted Vampirina right away,

"Let's go get in line" I smiled. She scrambled out of the stroller and took my hand as we got in the line. 

When we got to the front, Oakley ran forward and hugged Vampirina.


It finally got late and Oakley was super tired. But on our way out of the park, I decided to stop into one of the gift shops to give Oakley one last chance to get whatever she wanted. She didn't see much she wanted but she did make sure to grab a Vampirina toy,

"Can I gets Mommy a pwesent?" she asked. I smiled at her,

"Sure baby" I nodded. I wasn't going to be that parent that shits on the other to the kid. If Oakley wants to get KayKay something, then we will get KayKay something,

"What should we get?" I asked her. Oakley shrugged,

"What about a coffee cup? Mommy likes coffee a lot" I suggested,

"Yeah" Oakley grinned and we walked around until we found some,

"The Minnie one?" Oakley pointed. I nodded and grabbed it. I went to walk away but Oakley grabbed my shorts,

"You get Pluto one Daddy," she told me. I smiled and grabbed the Pluto coffee cup even though I didn't need it but knowing it'd make her happy.


"Was this a fun trip Oaks?" I asked as I got my daughter into bed,

"Yeah. We go again?" she asked with a little yawn,

"We will definitely go again" I promised, "We'll go all the time princess"

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