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< September >
< Sunday 4th, 2021 >

{ Ashton }

"Oakley" I cooed, "Time to wake up princess"

She whined and rolled over, rubbing her eyes, then slowly opening them,

"Hi baby" I kissed her head,

"Daddy eawly" she pouted and wrapped her arms around my neck. I laughed and stood with her in my arms,

"I know but we gotta go get on an airplane so we can go see Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto"

That woke the toddler right up. She was jumping out of my arms so we could get dressed.

I ended up letting her wear pajamas. We had a long plane ride ahead so I wanted her to be comfortable.

Once Oakley was ready, she sat on the couch and watched tv as I carried our bags to the door. Once I had everything, I took a seat next to my daughter and watched tv,

"Mommy will be here soon to take us to the airport" I told Oakley. She nodded and curled up next to me. I wasn't exactly thrilled to be in a car with KayKay, but she asked if she could drive us so she could see Oakley before we left.

We weren't watching tv long when I heard the knock. I got up and went and opened the door, letting KayKay walk in and go see Oakley while I put our bags in her car.

Once everything was loaded, we all got in and headed to the airport.


I was thankful when we got to the airport. It was kinda awkward in the car, well for me and KayKay at least. Oakley was happy to have her parents together.

Kay pulled up to drop off and I got out and got our stuff out while she said bye to Oakley,

"I'm gonna miss you. Have fun" she told our daughter,

"I will. Bye Mommy" Oakley grinned and asked for her backpack. I laughed and helped her put it on before the two of us walked inside, both putting masks on in the process.

We checked our luggage then headed to security with our carry-on bags. As we were about to go through, Oakley was not having it. This was what I was nervous about. She's never been to the airport, much less on a plane, so I know it's going to be a battle.

"It's okay Oakley" I assured her, trying to nudge her through,

"You can just walk through with her," the security guard told me. I nodded and lifted her up and carried her through.

We headed towards the terminal but stopped at the Starbucks. I got myself a coffee and Oakley a little refresher and put that in her sippy cup I had with us,

"Ready to go find the airplane?" I asked Oakley,

"Yeah, and go see Pluto" she bounced. I laughed and guided her to our terminal.


Getting on the plane was very easy. Since Oakley is three, we got to be one of the first people to board. We took our seats and I got Oakley settled in the seat by the window. Once we got into the air, I got the iPad out for her and put her on a movie, but she was not wanting to watch the movie. She wanted to talk- which of course I didn't mind,

"Daddy we go see Pluto and Mickey t'day?" she asked, hopping out of her seat and onto my lap,

"Not today but we are tomorrow. When we get to Disney we're going to go to the hotel and maybe go see the big store" I told her,

"I buy somefin?" she clapped her hands,

"We'll buy you some stuff" I chuckled, then noticed the guy sitting on the other side of me looking,

"How old is she?" he asked,

"I thwee" Oakley cut in, "I goin' to Disney"

I couldn't help but laugh. My normally shy daughter was not shy at all right now. I think the excitement was covering it up,

"What! That's exciting. Who are you excited to see?" the guy asked Oakley directly,

"Mickey and Minnie and Pluto and Awiel" she listed

"And we will see them all, especially Pluto" I promised.


We got to the hotel and Oakley was already loving it. We were staying at The Animal Kingdom Lodge. I also got us a room that had a view of the savanna with all the animals. I knew she would like that.

"Daddy dis so cool" Oakley told me as we entered our room, finally pulling our masks off,

"Go look out the window" I told her. She ran to the glass and I saw her little mouth drop. I chuckled and opened the door for her and we stepped out on the balcony together,

"Isn't that cool baby girl?" I grinned, kneeling to where I was her height. She nodded and I let her watch the animals for a bit,

"How about we change out of your pjs then we will go get food and go shopping" I spoke up. Oakley nodded and walked back in the room with me.

I got her changed into a polka dot skirt with a pink shirt then we headed out the door and to the Disney busses.


As soon as we got off the bus at Disney Springs, I picked Oakley up to carry her. There was so many people and it was stressing me out having her walk. We had a nice dinner at Rainforest Cafe then we went to the World of Disney store.

I put Oakley down in the store, but made sure I had ahold of her hand,

"Ready to look around?" I asked. She nodded and I let her guide me where she wanted. Of course, the first section we went to was the princesses. She very quickly picked out a princess shirt then saw a stuffed plush toy of Rapunzel. I honestly didn't care how much she picked out. I loved just seeing the huge smile on her face,

"Where to next?" I asked. She shrugged but we moved to where things like Monsters Inc and Winnie the Pooh were. Oakley ended up picking a pair of Pooh pajamas then a stuffed Piglet. She already has Pooh and Tigger at home,

"Um, I done" she told me. I nodded and we headed to checkout but stopped when something caught my eye. They were weighted plush toys and there happened to be a Pluto one, who is Oakley's favorite,

"Hey Oakley, look at this" I showed her,

"Pluto!" She grinned,

"It's weighted which means when you sleep with it, it gives you comfort like blankie does" I told her,

"I get it? I put Piglet back" she told me,

"We can get Pluto but you can also get Piglet" I told her. She nodded and I grabbed the Pluto for her. I was honestly hoping maybe this Pluto thing will work. Oakley has a horrible time sleeping, so I'm hoping maybe this helps some.

We finally got to checkout and I bought everything, completely ignoring the price. Oakley was happy as can be and that's all that mattered to me.


When we got back to the hotel, Oakley was sound asleep as I carried her and the bag of stuff we bought.

I got us to the room and changed her then tucked her into bed with her baby blanket. I quickly showered then came back out to get in bed too, but stopped when I saw she had the new Pluto we bought too. She must've woken up and got up to grab it.

I gently climbed in bed next to her and kissed her head,

"Goodnight Princess. I love you"

"Night night Daddy" she whispered, still asleep. I smiled and pulled the covers up and let myself fall asleep as my toddler cuddled up and slept as well.

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