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< Saturday 21st, 2021 >

{ Ashton }

Today is my baby girl's third birthday. I'm not going to lie, it makes me sad that she's growing up. I know she's only turning three but she's getting bigger every single day.

As soon as I got up this morning, I decorated the house for Oakley's birthday party but also so it was all nice when she woke up. I even had the balloons already since Crystal picked them up and dropped them off after Oakley went to bed last night. I even set out the presents I got her- which was quite a bit. I had gotten her one of those play kitchens with some fake food and stuff for it, I got her a new bike that was princesses, and I got her a new baby doll and some stuff for her other baby dolls. She also has one other present but it would come later on.

Once that was all done, I grabbed my phone to Door Dash Oakley's favorite breakfast but was met with a shit ton of notifications. I clicked on them and saw they were all regarding me having a daughter and the photo going around was one that KayKay posted this morning on her Instagram of Oakley.

I was livid. I did not want Oakley thrown out in the media like this. KayKay and I agreed when she was born that we would keep her off socials and out of the paparazzi. KayKay just threw her out there.

Just as I harshly sat my phone down, I heard a knock on the front door. I got up and went to open it, seeing the one person I was mad at,

"Why the fuck did you post a picture of Oakley on your public Instagram?" I spit out immediately, but still keeping my voice hushed so I didn't wake Oakley up,

"It was going to be out eventually" she shrugged and pushed her way into my house. I took a breath and closed my front door, following her to my kitchen,

"Looks good" she nodded to all the decorations, "Are all those presents for her? No wonder she's spoiled"

"We aren't changing the subject. We agreed Oakley would be kept off media to protect her. You posted her publicly knowing we had agreed not to. You should've told me first or asked" I spit,

"She's my kid and I can do whatever I want" KayKay rolled her eyes,

"She's my kid too! Hell, I'm the one raising her! You keep leaving!" I raised my voice but stopped as soon as I heard the soft one,


I calmed down fast and turned around, seeing my now three-year-old standing in the hallway,

"Good morning princess! Happy birthday" I cooed, dropping down to my knees and letting her run and hug me,

"Tank you Daddy" she giggled into me. She pulled back and then saw her mom standing there,

"Mommy!" she quickly hugged KayKay,

"Happy birthday Oakley" KayKay kissed our daughter's head before letting go of her.

We watched Oakley walk around and look at all her birthday decorations before she shyly walked to all her presents,

"For me?" she cheekily asked, pointing to herself,

"They are for you" I laughed. She giggled and gasped. I swear the little girl opened everything so fast and was ready to play seconds later,

"How about we play in just a little bit" I suggested,

"Aww man," Oakley pouted but walked over to me, lifting her arms up,

"You've got to stop picking her up" KayKay mumbled, making me send a glare. Of all days she shows up, it's Oakley's birthday and she's starting fights,

"Okay Oakie, so I wasn't able to order the breakfast you wanted, but I can make your special pancakes," I told her. She nodded her head quickly. Her 'special pancakes' are pancakes that are shaped like things. At Christmas I make them look like reindeers and use bacon as antlers,

"I can hewp" she grinned,

"Of course"


Oakley was all ready for her party. She had her cute little outfit on- which was a white shirt with Blue on it and the number three and a blue skirt with polka dots- and her hair was in pigtails.

Our friends started showing up and handing Oakley presents, which she had to open right that second. Then she dragged Crystal and Sierra to play with her toy kitchen with her.

I was leaned against my counter watching Oakley play with everyone as the boys approached with hushed voices,

"What are you going to do about Oakley and the media?" Calum questioned. I sighed. It's something I've been thinking about all day,

"I think I'm just going to post. Maybe a birthday post then say something about her" I shrugged, "But I don't know yet"

"I'm guessing you and Kay fought when she got here?" Michael questioned,

"Yeah. Then Oakley walked out so it stopped it"

The boys sent frowns,

"You know how to keep Oakley safe so just focus on that" Luke spoke. I nodded and turned my attention to KayKay coming around the counter,

"I'm leaving"

"She hasn't even done her cake yet" I shot at her,

"I know Ashton. But I need to go. Just take a video"

I nodded, not wanting to fight, and let her leave.


"Oakley, want to do your cake?" I asked, bringing it over and setting it on the table in front of her chair. She immediately hopped up from playing with Calum and Brandy and ran to her chair. I quickly lifted her up and helped her sit in her booster as everyone gathered around the table.

I grabbed a lighter and lit the candle then stayed by her to make sure she didn't touch the candle and we all started to sing,

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Oakley. Happy birthday to you"

Oakley grinned then blew her candle out, probably spitting on the cake in the process.

"Good job baby" I grinned and kissed her head then moved the cake back to the kitchen counter and began cutting pieces for everyone, making sure Oakley got hers first,

"Is it good Oakie?" I asked watching as she ate it, making a complete mess,

"Mhm" she hummed making me laugh.


When everyone had left the house, I gave Oakley a bath and helped her into bed where I laid down with her, ready to tell her about her big birthday surprise.

"So, I have one more present for you," I told her. She gasped and sat up, looking to me,

"For this present we have to get on a big airplane to go there" I spoke,

"Where?" she asked, leaning on my chest,

"How would you like to go to Disney World?"

The tiny squeals that came from her gave me my answer,

"Who going?" she asked still smiling,

"Just me and you"

She just kept smiling and hugged me,

"We still have to wait a little bit to go but it's going to be so fun" I hyped it up even more,

"Supa fun" Oakley giggled and laid down next to me,

"Alright, you ready to go night night?" I sat up. Oakley nodded and grabbed her baby blanket, cuddling with it,

"Okay. Goodnight princess. I love you"

"I wove you too Daddy"

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