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< Saturday 18, 2021 >

{ Ashton }

The sound of my bedroom door slamming against the wall made me shoot awake to see my daughter sprinting across my room to my bed,

"Daddy!" she beamed, jumping next to my bed, making me lean down and pull her up, "Get up Daddy. We gots to get Gwamma off da plane"

I laughed a little at how excited she was,

"We don't have to go yet baby" I told her. She immediately pouted.

My mum, brother, and sister are all flying in today. They passed all the Covid tests and got permission to come over for Christmas and to help me out with Oakley while I go to court.

I know my mum is super excited to see Oakley. She hasn't seen Oakley in person in two years. The last time she saw her, Oakley was barely talking. She's had to watch her granddaughter grow up over FaceTime,

"Uncle Harry and Aunt Lauren are coming too" I told Oakley, her eyes lighting up,

"When we go?" She asked,

"Right before lunchtime. After we pick them up we will go get some lunch"

Oakley finally accepted the answers and nodded before dragging me to the living room so she could watch tv and I could make some breakfast.


"Where Gwamma?" Oakley whined, tugging on my hand as we stood by baggage claim for my family's flight,

"Baby, they just got off the plane. Give it one second" I told her. I knew that statement wouldn't work but it's worth a try.

A few minutes went by and I heard Oakley gasp. I looked the direction she was looking and saw my family walking towards us. I let go of Oakley's hand and watched her run towards my mum.

"Gwamma!" She yelled as my mum embraced her, Lauren and Harry laughing. My mom stood and carried Oakley towards me,

"You've gotten so big" she gushed and she hugged her to death,

"I need her to stop growing up" I laughed, "Hey Laur. Hey Harry"

"Hi big brother" Lauren grinned as her and Harry hugged me. My mum finally got to put Oakley down and hug me,

"I've missed you honey" she told me,

"I've missed you too" I smiled as we pulled back,

"Wanna grab your bags and we can get some lunch?" I spoke to them all,

"Yes!" Oakley jumped, making us all laugh. I shook my head laughing and helped Lauren with her bag since she was now holding Oakley, making Lauren gush,

"She's just so cute"


Oakley was playing in her room with Harry and Lauren while my mum was with me on the back deck as I grilled burgers for dinner.

It was oddly quiet, but I knew my mum was gonna speak up soon,

"How are you holding up Ash?" She questioned. I sighed and closed the grill lid,

"I'm going crazy" I admitted, "I can't lose her Mum"

"Honey, you have to keep a positive mindset" she told me, "Has Kay even asked to have Oakley for a day yet since this came about?"

"No. And that scares me. She's gonna say I wouldn't let her" I mumbled,

"Have you offered Oakley to her for a day?" she followed up,

"Yeah. She told me no. I gave the lawyer all that info" I shrugged,

"See Ashton, she doesn't even want her. If she wanted her so bad, she would be taking advantage of you asking"

I nodded. She had a point. I guess I'm so stressed and worried I haven't realized that,

"Oakley will stay with you" Mum promised, "Have you talked to Oakley at all about what's going on?"

"She knows. She overheard me talking" I sighed, "She wants to stay with me. She got to talk to the judge by herself and told him what she wanted so she didn't have to come to court and do it"

"Then the judge knows what Oakley wants and where she will be happiest"

I nodded and headed back to the grill,

"Can you get them for dinner"


When everyone went to bed, I headed down to my studio. Music is my stress relief and that's what I needed right now.

I decided took a stupid picture and posted to my Instagram, making me chuckle:


liked by calumhood and 323,492 others@ashtonirwin: the best stress relief = music

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liked by calumhood and 323,492 others
@ashtonirwin: the best stress relief = music


I started a live stream and played some cords, but not for long because I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I sat the bass that was in my lap down and turned to the steps where my daughter was now standing,

"Hi Oakley. What are you doing? You're supposed to be sleeping?"

"Daddy" she whined, walking to me. I pulled her up and sat her on my lap and turned off my live stream,

"What's wrong princess?" I cooed, kissing her head as I cuddled her to my chest,

"Don't wanna go" she mumbled.

"You aren't going anywhere baby, I promise"

She didn't say anything back, just cuddled herself more into my chest,

"I sweep wif you tonight?" she asked, looking up at me,

"Sure baby" I laughed, rocking her.

I began humming as Oakley's eyes fluttered open and shut. I rubbed her back and soon her eyes closed and she was sound asleep.

I carefully stood, holding her to where she wouldn't wake up. I got everything turned off and headed upstairs to my room. I laid Oakley in my bed then went and grabbed her blankie, Pluto, and Blue dog and brought them back to my room.

I quickly showered and changed, then climbed into my bed. I had to scoot Oakley over because in the short time she was alone, she managed to spread out across the bed.

Once I had the covers up, I pulled Oakley to me, kissing her head multiple times before I fell asleep, hoping my daughter won't go anywhere.

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