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< May >
< Tuesday 10, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

We were finally on our last stop of the Europe leg of the tour. Oakley is excited to go home after this too. She's ready to see our dog and ready to sleep in her own bed. She also really wants to see Matt.

We got to the venue about noon. We had decided to all go over to the Eiffel Tower this morning and grab breakfast.

Now we all sat in the dressing room, watching Oakley play with her baby doll, making Luke play too. Really she was just handing the baby doll to Luke and telling him what to do. Sierra couldn't stop laughing.

"You know I used to hold you like this" Luke told her as he cradled the baby doll, "We all did"

"But I big now" Oakley spoke,

"Never too big" Luke smiled, setting the baby doll aside and picking Oakley up and cradling her. He began kissing her cheeks and tickling her, making her erupt with giggles.

Crystal walked over and sat next to me, patting my shoulder,

"You all good? I know you've been stressed this tour" she asked,

"It's gotten better since you and Si showed up. It's hard to perform well when I'm worried about who's taking care of her or where she is and stuff" I sighed, "I trust Ryan but he's also working and watching her at the same time"

"What are you going to do about the North American part of tour?" she asked,

"I don't know. She'll probably come with because I can't leave her behind. She'd hate me and I'd hate me" I shrugged,

"Let me know what you decide. I'm more than happy to keep Oakley while you're on tour" she offered,

"Thanks Crys"


As we got closer to soundcheck, Oakley got clingy. She's was practically attached to my hip. Once we finished our first soundcheck song, I glanced over at Oakley. She was clearly pouting and holding her arms out to me. Sierra was lightly holding Oakley's shoulders so she didn't run,

"Hey guys!" I smiled to the crowd, "Would it be okay with you all if I bring Oakley out?"

I got a bunch of cheers in response,

"Okay but we can't scream when she comes out here. It'll scare her" Calum laughed. The crowd all gave nods and 'yes' responses, making walk off stage to get my daughter,

"Want to come out on stage?" I knelt down in front of her. She nodded and I picked her up.

We walked back on stage and everyone aww'd making the boys chuckle.

I sat down with the boys and let Oakley sit in my lap and hold the mic with her one hand as her other held my shirt.

The first girl stepped up to ask her question and chuckled lightly,

"So I actually submitted this before we knew Oakley would be coming out" she smiled, "What's it like traveling with a toddler and does Oakley have a favorite uncle?"

The boys and I all laughed,

"So first, yes, Oakley has a favorite uncle" Michael spoke,

"And it's not me or Mike" Calum added,

"It's me" Luke proudly smiled, "Ain't that right Oakley?"

"Yeah" she giggled making Luke smirk even more. He loves the title of favorite uncle,

"And traveling with her is different but it's amazing. I'm getting to see the world with my daughter. It's a little stressful because she is so little but I wouldn't change it" I smiled, "I try and take her sightseeing and to do fun stuff every place we go. She may not remember these things but I will and they'll always be special memories for me"

"Where's the best place you've taken her?" A fan piped up,

"We went and saw the real Hundred Acre Wood and that was awesome. She loved every minute of it" I answered.

Right as the next person was going to ask their question, Oakley stood from my lap and went over to Luke, climbing all over his back,

"Hey kiddo" he chuckled, allowing her to use him as a playground. Oakley chuckled and laid her head on his back, letting out a huge yawn,

"I think someone's nap time is creeping up" Calum spoke, making Oakley nod. Oakley wandered over to Calum next and he cradled her like a baby. Her being sleepy could be why she was being clingy.

We answered a few more questions and did another song then headed off stage. I went back to the bus with Oakley while the others stayed in the venue,

"Let's take a nap baby" I cooed. She nodded and grabbed her blankie and Pluto then she and I got in my bunk. Oakley cuddled up on my chest and I pulled a blanket around us,

"Get some sleep princess. We have a very long night ahead" I sighed. I was not looking forward to traveling home with a very very tired and grumpy toddler. Oakley let out another yawn and nodded before chewing on the corner of her blanket. I don't know why, but recently she's started doing that to fall asleep. I took her off pacifiers at night before we left for tour and she's done fine until now. I guess I'll have to see what her doctor and dentist think.

With Oakley dozing off for at least an hour, I figured it wouldn't hurt for me to get a little bit of sleep too. So I let my eyes close and slowly fell asleep myself.


After an amazing last show in Europe, it was time to head home. I was more than ready to be in my own home and bed. I know Oakley is too. She's also ready to see our dog.

"Daddy go home now?" She asked me for the hundredth time as we sat at our gate,

"Yes baby. We're going home. We're about to get on the airplane"

She huffed and climbed in my lap, hugging me tight. I hugged me back and kissed her head,

"We'll be home super soon"

"Supa soon"

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