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< March >
< Friday 18, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

Before tour gets into full swing, I've been trying to get Oakley out and doing stuff before she's trapped in dressing rooms, on airplanes, on a bus, etc. Today, Oakley and I are going shopping to get her some clothes for tour then I'm taking her to this place where you can paint different things. But before all that, the band and I have an interview with Zach Sang.

I got myself up and ready first so all I had to worry about was Oakley now.

I headed to Oakley's room and gently pushed the door open and stepped inside. I quickly turned off her nightlight since the sun was giving the room light. Bear heard me walk in and took off past me, probably to go get his food.

I sat down on the edge of Oakley's bed and rubbed circles on her stomach. She whined and started moving then eventually opened her eyes,

"Hi Daddy" she yawned,

"Good morning baby" I smiled, "We've got some stuff to do today so we need to get up"

"Cake pop?" her little eyes popped open wider,

"We can get a cake pop" I laughed. She giggled and sat up, crawling towards me and giving me a big hug,

"Should we pick your outfit for the day?" I asked. She nodded and I got up, holding her on my hip as we went to her dresser,

"Skirt or shorts?" I asked, opening that drawer,


I nodded and grabbed those then a hoodie for her.

I helped her get dressed then did her hair, in braids as requested,

"The tv is on if you wanna go out there" I told her. Oakley nodded and ran out leaving me to get a diaper bag together for her. She's technically potty trained but we still have accidents here and there so I'm always prepared.

I grabbed whatever else I needed then headed to the main area of the house,

"Let's go Oakley" I called. She nodded and got up. I quickly turned off the tv and we headed out the door.


We got to Zach Sang and Oakley and I headed in. Oakley was definitely acting boujie walking in with her Starbucks Refresher and her ham and Swiss croissant. This morning I made her actually eat something, but don't worry she's still getting the cake pop which I'm currently carrying.

"There they are!" Calum grinned as we approached, "What do you got?"

"Starbucks" Oakley giggled before she tucked into my legs when Zach appeared,

"Hey man" he greeted, shaking my free hand, "Nice to see you again"

"You as well" I nodded, "Sorry, Oakley had to come"

"No worries!" He shook it off, "I think the last time you guys were here she was in a baby carrier"

"She probably was" Luke laughed. Once Oakley heard her favorite uncles voice, she immediately moved to him, and he gladly picked her up,

"As you can see, Luke's her favorite" Michael chuckled.

We decided to get into the interview so we all grabbed a seat. I sat with Mike and Luke on the couch while Calum took the chair. Oakley sat off to the side and watched us while she ate and played with a few toys she brought.

We talked for a while and then when we were almost done, Oakley walked to me with the biggest and saddest pout,

"What's wrong baby?" I asked, picking her up to sit her on my lap. As I sat her down, I knew what was wrong,

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