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< Monday 13th, 2021 >

{ Ashton }

I had gotten up fairly early this morning and got the house cleaned and did a bunch of laundry. KayKay was also supposed be bringing Oakley back today after they land.

I'm still pissed about it all. It's not that I'm mad that Oakley got to see her mom's family, I'm mad because I didn't know where she was. If I knew where she was, I wouldn't be mad.

Oakley wouldn't be back for a few more hours but it was time for my call with my mum. So, I grabbed my laptop and FaceTimed my mum. We always talk on Monday mornings. Usually Oakley gets to talk too but since she's not here she won't. I can't exactly wait either because of the time zones,

"Hi honey" my mum's face popped up as she answered,

"Hey Mum" I smiled,

"Where's my granddaughter?" she asked,

"Not here" I sighed, "Kay took her to Texas. She gets back later today"

"Well you don't seem happy about it so what's going on?" She asked. My mum has been so helpful. She's been one of the people I go to about the whole co-parent thing since she's done it with my brother and sister and their dad,

"She didn't tell me she was taking her there. I had been trying to get ahold of her and she didn't answer. Then I finally get a call and she's in Texas and she never once told me. I don't have a problem with her going and taking Oakley but she didn't tell me and I was here having a fucking heart attack about where my daughter was and if she was okay"

"Ash, I think you may need to consider going to court and getting some things set. It seems like lately things have been going weird. You need to set those rules and boundaries for the safety of Oakley. Say something was to happen while they're away. You wouldn't know because you don't know where they are. Or what if one day, which I don't think will happen, but what if Kay decides to take Oakley and run. You have no documents or proof of agreements and custody"

I nodded. It made sense. I had also thought about those things,

"I just don't want to put Oakley through this" I sighed, letting my hands run down my face,

"Oakley's in this no matter what. It just matters that's she knows she has parents that love her and are doing what's best for her. She's little so it's hard to understand for her. Just be her dad and help her and talk to her about everything"

I nodded,

"I love you Mum. I really appreciate everything"

"Of course Ashton. I'm glad to be helping you. I mean, I never wished that you'd be going through this, but I'm glad to help you and I will always help you. I want what's best for you and for Oakley"

I nodded,

"I'm going to go. I love you son. Everything will be okay"

"I love you too Mum. Bye" I waved then hung up.

I closed my laptop then stood and paced my house. The last thing I wanted to do what drag Kay to court, but I'm going to have to. It just scares me because I don't want to chance losing majority of my custody of Oakley. Kay doesn't care enough to get even half custody. It just worries me.


I heard a knock on my door and I jumped up, rushing over and unlocking it. As soon as I pulled it open, Oakley crashed into me and I hugged her tightly,

"I missed you so much" I spoke and kissed her head,

"I missed you too Daddy" she giggled then pulled away. I stood back up and let Oakley in the house then took her bag from Kay. I sat it right inside the door then stepped outside and shut the door behind me,

"Don't ever pull that again" I gritted,

"She's my kid too Ashton" Kay rolled her eyes,

"Yes Kay. I know. But you still have to let me know when you're taking her out of state. That's how co-parenting works"

"I just want to see my daughter" she fought,

"I give you plenty of chances to see your daughter. Any time you ask, I never say no. But guess what, you hardly ever ask so that's on you. It's not my job to make sure you want to be in her life"

"Whatever Ashton. I'm not doing this" she rolled her eyes,

"Pull something like that again, and we will go to court over custody"

Kay didn't say anything and headed back to her car. I sighed and walked back inside and found Oakley on the couch with my phone in her hand. As I got closer, I could hear noise,

"Oakie, who you talking to too?" I asked, leaning over then seeing Luke's face on my phone screen,

"Uncle Wuke" she giggled, "Can Uncle Wuke come pway?"

"How about you and your Dad hang out tonight. He's missed you bunches" Luke spoke up,

"Yeah!" Oakley giggled, "And you come pway tomorrow?"

"And I'll come play tomorrow" Luke nodded, "I gotta go Oaks"

"Bye bye" she waved then Luke hung up the call and she sat my phone down,

"What do you want to do baby girl?" I asked,

"Pizza, pway, see movie, sweep in you bed" she listed,

"I think we can do that"


Now that we had eaten pizza and played with dolls, Oakley and I were cuddled in my bed watching Tangled.

"Did you have fun in Texas with Mommy?" I asked for the hundredth time,

"Yeah but Mommy went out wots" Oakley sighed and curled up to my side, "Mommy's mom stay wif me"

"Did you have fun with her?"

"Y-yeah" Oakley got out but with a big yawn,

"I think you are sleepy baby girl. How about we sleep?"

She nodded and I turned the movie off and got us settled in bed,

"I wove you Daddy" she whispered, clinging to my arm,

"I love you too Oakley" I smiled,

"I not want to be away wike dat again" she told me,

"You don't have too. That's your choice. If you don't want to, you can tell me"

She nodded and rolled on her side and grabbed her stuff Pluto,

"Go seep now"

"Go to sleep baby"

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