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< April >
< Saturday 2, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

We landed in Ireland and Oakley was not having it. She had been confined in a plane for hours, she was tired, and she was hungry. She cried almost the whole time on the plane which made a lot of people look at me.

I carried Oakley off the plane and into the airport. I guess Michael could see the stress on my face and came and took her from me.

We walked through the airport and grabbed a few bags from baggage claim before we were taken out to car to go to the hotel. Oakley and I sat in the very back of the SUV, while the other boys sat in the middle section. I was slightly nervous that Oakley wasn't in a carseat, but I know that's something I'm gonna have to get over while on tour.

When we finally got to the hotel and headed inside. While the tour manager got us all checked in, Oakley was running around the lobby. She wasn't bothering anyone so I wasn't stopping her.

Our tour manager finally came back to us and handed us room keys,

"Luke and Ashton, you guys are in a room together. Calum and Michael, you guys are in a room together. The rooms are conjoined so you all should be able to open the door"

We all nodded and headed off the the elevator. Oakley was all happy when she found out Luke was in our room.

"Uncle Wuke! We havin' a sweepover!" She cheered bouncing down the hallway,

"I know!" Luke grinned back, "What are we gonna do?"

"Pillow fight" she giggled and ended up staying next to me as we stopped at our room. Calum and Michael went to the room next to ours.

I opened the door and let Oakley run in, following behind her. Luke and I sat our things in the dresser as Oakley jumped onto one of the beds.

There was then a knock the conjoining door and Luke went and opened it, allowing Michael and Calum to walk through,

"What do you think Oaks?" Calum asked, flopping onto the bed with Oakley, tackling her down with a hug,

"So fun" she smiled, "Wight Daddy?"

"Right princess" I nodded,

"So, do we just want to order food to the room?" Michael asked, making us laugh,

"Yeah that works" I nodded, "Plus Oaks needs to go to bed soon"

"Aww man" Oakley whined, "I hungry"

We all laughed,

"Let's get some food"


After eating, I gave Oakley a bath and got her into her pajamas. Now we were drying her hair and doing the rest of her bedtime routine.

Oakley sat up on the counter as I used the hairdryer to dry her hair. Oakley will not go to bed with her hair wet, so we either dry it or wash it early so it's dry by bedtime.

Oakley was tired. I could tell. Her eyes kept fluttering shut and her head would fall back. If I wasn't standing so close, she probably would've fell off the counter.

Once her hair was dry, I put it up in pigtails and got her teeth brushed. Once she was all done, I carried her into the room and laid her in our bed, getting her tucked in with her blankie and Pluto,

"Goodnight baby girl. I love you" I whispered then went and got myself ready for bed. By the time I was done and got in bed myself, Luke was already asleep in his bed.

I curled up under the covers and pulled Oakley to me, falling asleep contently with my daughter in my arms.


< Sunday 3, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

It was concert day and everyone was excited- even Oakley. We were all dressed and ready to head on stage. Even Oakley put on her 'stage outfit'. She picked it out all by herself too.

Since Crystal and Sierra weren't with us yet, so Oakley was going to be with Ryan. It made me nervous because he'll be walking around. I just pray to god she doesn't get lost. But, Ryan was going to make it fun for her. He gave her a little camera and told her she'd be his helper.

We headed to stage and right before we went on, I stopped and knelt down in front of Oakley,

"Stay with Ryan. If you can't find him, find a worker and tell them Daddy is on stage. If you get too sleepy, tell Ryan" I told her, making her nod,

"Alright. I love you. I'll see you after the show" I whispered,

"Love you Daddy" she giggled and hugged me tight. When she pulled away, I kissed her head then handed her off to Ryan. I headed up on stage, waving to Oakley.


We all came off stage full of energy and went straight back to the dressing room. When we walked in, Oakley was sound asleep on the couch in her pjs,

"Sorry. She asked me to put her pjs on so she could go to sleep" Ryan laughed, "I hope that's okay"

"No no. It's fine" I assured, "Can you keep an eye on her so I can shower quick"

He nodded and I rushed off, taking a fast shower. Once I got out, I packed all my stuff and gently picked up Oakley,

"Daddy?" She whispered,

"It's me. Go back to sleep" I told her. She nodded and let her head fall onto my shoulder.

I walked onto the bus and carried her to the back area. It had a large couch that turned into a bed, which is where Oakley and I would be sleeping. She's not ready to be in a tiny bunk so the guys offered that up.

I laid her down then followed, pulling the blanket up over us. Oakley almost immediately cuddled up, making sure she was touching me.

I smiled contently, letting my eyes fall shut just like my daughter.

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