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< Wednesday 20, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

Oakley has not been to bed since after our show last night. We got back to the hotel and she felt sick. We laid down for a while, but she never went to sleep. She is running a fever and has puked just about everything up. The worst part is that she's sick in a hotel and not in the comfort of home.

I'm currently walking around the room trying to calm her down and get her to fall asleep at least for a few hours,

"Don't feel good" Oakley cried into my shoulder for about the hundredth time,

"I know baby. I know" I sighed, kissing her head, "Aunt Crys and Aunt Si should be back with some medicine soon"

I was thankful that they had joined us now. As soon as I texted the group and told them Oakley was sick, they said that they'd go get her medicine first thing in the morning,

"Let's drink some water baby" I sighed, grabbing my water bottle off the side table and sitting on the bed with her. She took a few sips but then pushed it away.

"Lay down" she whined. I nodded and we laid down in bed, her still tucked into my chest. I have no idea what's wrong with her. I'm hoping it's a simple stomach bug and nothing else.

I grabbed the tv remote and turned it on, finding some kids show for Oakley to watch. I looked down at my daughter and saw how flushed she looked and it killed me. No parent wants to see their kid sick.

The knock on the door pulled my eyes away, making me get up and walk over. I opened it up and let Crystal and Sierra walk in,

"Thank you. I appreciate it" I smiled as they say the bags down on the spare bed,

"Of course Ash" Sierra smiled as she and Crystal sat next to Oakley,

"Hi sweetie" Crystal cooed, "Not feeling good?"

Oakley shook her head and made her grabby hands for someone to hold her. Sierra pulled her into her lap and cradled her while I got some medicine together for her. Once Oakley had taken it, she, Crystal, and Sierra all laid down together,

"Ash, why don't you and the guys go get some lunch and walk around. We've got Oakley" Crystal suggested,

"Are you sure?" I asked,

"Yes Ash. Give yourself a little break" Sierra insisted. I sighed but nodded.


The guys and I ended up finding a little cafe to eat in. We decided to just eat then take something back for the girls.

We got our food quick and took a seat in the back by a window,

"How's Oakley?" Calum asked,

"Just feels bad plus she wants to be home" I sighed, "I don't know what to do about the North American tour. She's not enjoying this so I don't know what to do"

"She could stay with Si and Crystal and they can come visit some" Luke suggested,

"Yeah" I nodded, "I just don't know if I can handle being away from her that long. And I don't know if she'll like it. I don't want her to think I'm leaving her like her mom did"

"Ash, she knows you aren't leaving her. She may be little but she knows that" Michael assured,

"I just don't want her to hate me or to think I don't love her. Kay made her feel like that and it was heartbreaking"

"Ash, you are the best dad to that little girl. She adores you and she loves you. Nothing will change her mind. You're the one who's always taken care of her and has been there for her" Calum patted my back, "Trust me, she'll never think bad of you"

I smiled and nodded,

"Let's finish up eating so I can see my sick baby"


We got back to my hotel room and slowly entered. The girls were in the same place as they were when we left,

"Uncle Wuke!" Oakley's eyes widened, her arms reaching for him,

"Hello my little princess" he cooed, picking her up and kissing her cheek, "You feeling better?"

"A bitty bit" she nodded making us all laugh,

"You wanna eat? I got you some food" I asked. She nodded and Luke sat down with her and began to feed her as Crystal and Sierra dug into their food,

"Uncle Wuke" Oakley spoke up, patting his chest, "When you sing again?"

"Tomorrow" he laughed, "Why?"

"I wike you sing" she hummed, taking a bite from the soup Luke held on a spoon for her. She gladly took a bite and settled into his chest,

"What the hell did Luke do to get the favorite uncle position?" Michael laughed,

"He bribed her" I laughed back, "He buys her whatever she wants. She's wrapped around his finger"

"That scares me for the day we have kids of our own. They're gonna be so spoiled" Sierra spoke up,

"Hey, if it makes me the favorite then whatever" he shrugged, making Calum speak up

"Damn, I need to start buying her more stuff"


When everyone had finally left our room, I gave Oakley a bath and got her settled into bed,

"You feeling a little better?" I asked, lightly rubbing her stomach to make her sleepy,

"Yeah. Tummy don't hurt no more" she nodded, cuddling her baby blanket and Pluto,

"Good" I smiled, "If you still feel okay tomorrow, we can go do something fun before Daddy's concert"

Oakley nodded and let out a big yawn,

"Go to sleep baby" I laughed, leaning down and kissing her head, "I love you"

"I love you Daddy"

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