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< November >
< Friday 5th, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

Oakley is a lot sicker than I thought she'd be with this. I know she's got a strong immune system but Covid is taking her down. She's not to the point of hospitalization. I had that worry when she literally couldn't breathe the other night. I did take her to the ER and they gave me a few breathing treatments for her to do and since she's been doing better. But she's still feeling lousy.

I've tested myself multiple times. The first time it was negative, but a few days ago I tested positive. I don't feel bad at all, but I am positive so I do need to stay quarantined. Oakley is still testing positive, which does worry me some.

I got up this morning and made my way out of bed, careful not to wake my daughter up. Oakley's been sleeping in my room since she's been sick. It makes me feel a little better having her close to me rather than her room in case something was to happen.

I headed out to the main area of my house, stopping at the end of my hallway when I saw Kay standing in my kitchen,

"What are you doing here? We have Covid" I deadpanned,

"And I already had it" she rolled her eyes,

"That's doesn't matter. Go home. You're the one who gave it to Oakley in the first place"

"Chill out Ashton"

I scoffed,

"You know I had to take her to the ER the other night because she literally couldn't breathe" I told her,

"Really?" Kay's eyes widened, actually looking worried, "Look I came over because I brought you two some stuff"

I got closer but still kept my distance and saw the reusable grocery bag of stuff,

"Thank you" I spoke, calmed down, "But I really don't think you should be here right now. I promise, Oakley will come over when she's not sick anymore"

"Thank you" Kay nodded, "Look, I'll leave now. I put some basic groceries in the fridge but in the bag has some more things like pull-ups and such"

"Thanks Kay" I smiled, "Maybe if Oaks feels okay, she can FaceTime you"

Kay nodded and I thanked her again before seeing her out.

Once I had shut the door, I let out a big sigh. Kay acts like that all the time. First she'll act like she doesn't give a shit but then she suddenly will. That's why we broke up. We couldn't manage a good relationship based on that. Us being together would have hurt Oakley more than it does us being separated. Us being apart means Oakley doesn't have to sit there and listen or worry that me and her mom are having issues. Obviously she knows that Kay and I are not together, but we've also made sure she understands it's better that way. If she has questions, she'll ask, and we will always answer honestly but in terms a toddler can understand.

I locked my front door and headed into my kitchen. I looked in my fridge and found it stocked. I then headed over to the bag that was still full and sitting on my counter. I peeked inside and found pull-ups, wipes, some medicine, and a new thermometer. I really did like the thermometer. I still have one of those old shitty ones that you stick in your mouth. This one you roll over the forehead and it reads the temperature and such.

I put those items away then headed into my room with the thermometer to check on Oakley. She was awake as I entered. She was just laying in my bed and playing with her stuffed Pluto,

"Hi baby" I smiled, taking a seat on my bed, "How you feel?"

"Sleepy" she yawned, making me chuckle,

"Can I check your temperature?"

She nodded and opened her mouth, thinking I was using my old thermometer,

"Mommy brought us a new thing to check. It just rolls on your head" I explained and quickly did it, getting a reading: ninety-eight point two.

"Guess what? You don't have a fever!" I cheered. Oakley giggled and sat up, which let me know she was indeed starting to feel better. She wouldn't even get up,

"Mommy here?" she asked, crawling to me and sitting on my lap,

"No. Mommy went home so she didn't get sick again. She brought us some snacks and you some pull-ups" I explained, "How about we eat some breakfast then we will do the test to see if we're still sick"

Oakley nodded and I carried her out to the kitchen, letting her sit on the counter,

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her as I moved about the kitchen and got her sippy cup filled with milk,

"Not hungwy" she whined as I gave her the cup,

"You gotta eat baby" I sighed, "How about I'll make something and you can share with me?"

Oakley was okay with that but did not want to help, so I put her on the ground and let her go back and watch tv.


After breakfast, I got us both dressed for the day and we both did Covid tests. I was negative but Oakley was positive still.

"Are you feeling sick?" I asked. She definitely looked like she was feeling better today. She shook her head and simply snuggled into me but shivered,

"Are you cold?" I asked next. She nodded. She wasn't necessarily feeling bad but she was still having symptoms like chills,

"How about we get you a bath? That way you can warm up" I suggested,

"Okay" Oakley mumbled. I smiled and got up. I quickly started her bath then grabbed her pjs and tossed them in the dryer so they'd be warm.

I headed back to the bathroom and helped Oakley into the tub. I added bubbles due to her request and gave her some of her bath toys. She had a The Little Mermaid bath toy set that she absolutely loves,

"You be Fwounder" Oakley told me, handing me the yellow fish. I smiled and knelt on the outside of the bathtub.

Ariel and Flounder swam around in the water for a while, but Oakley soon got cold and was more than ready to get out.

I drained the bathtub then wrapped Oakley in her princess towel. I picked her up and grabbed a pull-up then carried her to the laundry room. I grabbed her pajamas out of the dryer and got her dressed,

"All warm" I cheered which got me a giggle from her,

"Cuddles?" she looked up at me with wide eyes,

"Of course we can cuddle!" I grinned and picked her up again,

"Mommy don't do dis when I sick" Oakley mumbled into my shoulder. I couldn't help but sigh. Kay has never had much empathy when it came to Oakley. She wanted to just let her cry all the time. I couldn't do that,

"I'm sorry" was all I could say. Oakley shrugged and laid her head on my shoulder again,

"Are you wanting to go to bed?" I asked. I really couldn't tell what was going on,

"Movie in you bed" she told me, pointing to the direction of my room.

I carried her in there and got her in my bed. I quickly went and changed then climbed under the covers,

"What do you want to watch?" I asked, knowing we won't even get halfway through the movie until she was asleep,


I smiled and headed over to Disney +, finding the movie and hitting play.

But just like predicted, Oakley was asleep twenty minutes in. I turned the movie off at that point and got settled into bed, kissing her head, then falling asleep myself.

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