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< Saturday 28, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

Today we're heading to the beach for a couple of days. It's the boys, Sierra, Crystal, then Oakley and I. We rented a house about an hour from here. Originally, Brandy and Margret were going to come as well, but Brandy has to work (and watch the dogs) and Margret and I- in the span of two days- are not together at the moment. We went out the other night and got in an argument and haven't talked since.

I packed up my truck in the driveway while Oakley slept a little longer. Once I had everything in, I headed inside to get Oakley up. But, I was shocked when I walked in and she was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Good morning baby girl" I grinned, picking her up and kissing her cheeks,

"Hi Daddy" she giggled, "Go beach?"

"Yeah. Let's get you dressed and we will go pick up Uncle Cal"

Oakley nodded and we headed off to her room to get her dressed for the day. I quickly did her hair then grabbed her blankie and Pluto,

"Let's go get Uncle Cal!"

"Yay!" she cheered and ran out to my truck. I locked the house up and then helped Oakley into her carseat. Once I knew she was good, I walked around and got in the driver's seat, and headed to Calum's.

I texted Calum once we got to his and he came out of his house, tossing his bag into the truck bed and getting into the passenger seat,

"Hello Oakley" Calum turned to look at my daughter,

"Hi" she giggled, hiding her face from him. He laughed and turned back around as we got onto the road.

About 30 minutes into our drive, my phone began to ring with a call from my lawyer. My heart stopped. I shakily picked up my phone, ignoring Calum's stares.

I lifted the phone to my ear, answering the call,

"Hello" I spoke,

"Hi Ashton" he sighed, "I know it's never good when I call"

"Yeah" I laughed shakily, "What's going on?"

"You're being accused of child abuse, neglect, and endangerment"

My whole world stopped. Calum has to physically grab the wheel. Once I shook my head, I pulled off onto the side of the road, throwing my hazards on,

"What? By who? Kay?" I questioned, Calum's full attention on me. I glanced at Oakley, seeing she was asleep which I was thankful for,

"Yes" he answered simply, making tears come to my eyes, "This is serious"

"Fuck" I muttered, "So what's happening?"

"A social worker, an officer, and a doctor are going to make a visit to your house. They'll talk to you and to Oakley. It's a welfare check almost. After, if they believe you abuse her, she will be removed from your custody and we go to court for your trial. If they find you innocent and it's a false claim, we go to court and fight Kay for defamation" he told me, "Have you looked online today?"

"I haven't. We're heading for a weekend vacation" I sighed, running a hand through my hair,

"Kay accused you online"

Rage. Absolute rage bubbled inside of me,

"Can I respond?" I spit,

"Not directly at her. You can say you don't abuse your daughter but do not interact with Kay herself" he directed, "I'm sorry Ashton"

"Me too" I sighed, tilting my head back as tears welled up in my eyes, "I-I got to go"

I hung up and dropped my phone, letting my tears fall. I don't think Calum knew what to do,

"What's going on?" He asked,

"Kay's accusing me of child abuse"

Calum's mouth dropped as I cried more,

"She put it on Twitter too" I sobbed,

"Oh my god dude" Calum hugged me, "Fuck man"

"I'm fighting it as hard as I can"

"And me and the guys will be here every step of the way. The girls too" he told me, "Why don't you let me drive"

I nodded and we switched seats. I grabbed my phone again and opened Twitter, seeing the accusation. My mind was spinning and I decided to speak up,


@ashton5sos: There has been some false rumors and accusations made. I would like to make it clear that my daughter is safe. I have not once laid a harmful hand on her. She is taken care of and loved. This accusation is false and will always be false. This is something I never thought I'd have to post. I'm speaking truth and you can decide whether to believe me or not


I couldn't believe this was happening really.  I didn't think she'd stoop as low as to accuse me of abuse to get Oakley away from me. But even with that accusation, she wouldn't get custody of Oakley. When she lost custody, I went and had put in writing that if Oakley was taken from my custody or if something happens to me, my mum gets custody.

This fun weekend trip we were going on is no longer going to be fun because I'm going to be worried and paranoid the whole time.


We got to the house and were the last to arrive. Calum got out while I took a minute to collect myself. I took a few breaths and then got out, opening the back door and helping Oakley out. As soon as I got her out, I hugged her,

"I love you so much," I told her,

"I wove you too Daddy" she giggled. I smiled and shut the door and went to the back of the truck where Calum was already grabbing stuff. I grabbed mine and Oakley's things and we headed inside,

"Uncle Wuke!" Oakley smiled, running to him. I smiled and then walked past everyone to find mine and Oakley's room. I entered and sat all our stuff down then headed back out,

"Oh my god. Ash your eyes are blood red. Have you been crying?" Sierra panicked. Calum looked at me then grabbed Oakley,

"Let's go check out the deck," he told her and took her outside.

Once they were gone, all eyes were on me,

"Kay's accused me of child abuse" I spoke bluntly. Luke's face went to pure rage as did Michael's. Crystal and Sierra looked like they were going to cry.

"They're going to send some people to my house to assess me and the living situation. I'll pass it. I know I will. And when I do, I'm taking her to court for defamation since she put it all over Twitter" I told them confidently this time, "Unfortunately we won't go to court until after tour"

"Please let us know if you need anything" Crystal hugged me,

"I will" I nodded, "But right now, I want to try and put it in the back of my mind and have a fun weekend"

"Then that's what we will do"

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