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< Thursday 7 2022 >

{ Ashton }

Today we're in London, which is one of our favorite places to play and be. Today we have a day off, so I'm taking Oakley out to explore. My goal is to do that with her at every stop. I want to show her the world and she won't see it being stuck in a bus or room.

While Oakley slept for a tad longer, I slipped into the bathroom and got dressed and freshened up. Once I was ready, I walked back into the room and cleaned up a bit. We'll be here for another night and I can't stand a messy hotel room.

I got a little bag packed for the day, then decided to wake Oakley up. I know this won't be an easy task considering she didn't get to bed until late last night.

I sat down on the edge and lightly rubbed Oakley's back until she stirred and her eyes fluttered open,

"Good morning baby girl. Did you sleep good?" I asked,

"Yeah" Oakley mumbled before climbing in my lap and hugging me, "Hi Daddy"

"Hi Oakley" I chuckled, kissing her head, "We're gonna go do some fun stuff and go explore"

Oakley nodded and sat back, letting out a yawn,

"Let's get you all dressed and looking cute"


Once we left the hotel, we got some breakfast and started to walk around London. It was just Oakley and I, and I was really enjoying having some time with just my daughter and not everyone else,

"Where we go Daddy?" Oakley questioned as she tugged my hand, "It a supwise?"

"Yeah it's a surprise" I laughed. It really wasn't but she likes surprises so why not.

As we got closer and there were a lot of people gathered, I got a bit nervous. In the past when fans have seen me out with Oakley, they won't approach or if they do, they are super nice and considerate. While on tour, it's been bad. Oakley panics every time because the fans are so pushy and overwhelming.

"Where are we?" Oakley asked, confused as every,

"This is called Buckingham Palace" I told her as I knelt next to her, "There's a queen and a princess and a prince that lives here"

Oakley's little face lit up,

"I wanna be pwincess" she told me,

"You are one" I smiled,

"No. I don't wive in a castle" she spoke with a duh tone,

"Not all princesses live in castles. Some live with their dad's in California with their doggy Bear" I tickled her, "Want me to take your picture in front of the castle?"

Oakley nodded and turned around to face me. I stepped back and snapped the cutest photo of her,

"Okay Oakley, I have one more place we're gonna go but it's a little far so we're gonna get on a train then in a car" I warned. She nodded and grabbed onto my hand, waiting to be at her next adventure.


We arrived in East Sussex and at our location- the real Hundred Acre Wood from Winnie the Pooh. Oakley has always liked Winnie the Pooh, but for some reason has really been into lately. This place popped up on a Tik Tok and I knew I had to find a way to bring Oakley,

"Do you know where we are?" I asked Oakley who just shook her head, "Where does Pooh live?"

"Hundwed Acwe Wood!" she jumped, "Oh my goodness"

I couldn't contain my smile,

"Let's go"

Oakley nodded and held my hand as we walked onto a trial. I had a map on my phone of all the little Pooh locations.

Soon, we came upon a bridge that had a basket of sticks for stick races. Oakley grinned and ran ahead, taking one out,

"Come on Daddy!" Oakley giggled. I smiled and grabbed a stick and lifted Oakley to my hip. We dropped our sticks at the same time and ran to the other side to see who won,

"You won Oakley!" I beamed, even though my stick was first,

"Yay!' she cheered as I bounced her on my hip, "Go see more"

I laughed and nodded, lifting her up on my shoulders and continuing to explore.


We got back to London and Oakley was still wide awake and running around the hotel room. Luckily she was already in her pajamas so as soon as she was ready for sleep, she could go to sleep.

But, she never slowed down for sleep,

"Alright Oaks, it's bedtime" I finally declared. Oakley gave me one look then dropped to the floor and started a tantrum.

I internally groaned and picked her up, carrying her to bed and laying her down. I quickly turned off the lights and laid down next to her, pulling her close to me since she was trying to get out of bed,

"Close your eyes" I whispered,

"Daddy sing" she cried. I smiled and kissed her head,

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away"

And just like that, Oakley fell asleep.

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