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< Saturday 25, 2021 >
< Christmas Day >

{ Ashton }

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up!" Oakley yelled, jumping on me, abruptly waking me up, "Santa came"

I giggled and opened my eyes, coming eye to eye with my daughter,

"Merry Christmas" I smiled,

"Daddy" she whined, obviously not caring and just wanting to open presents,

"Can I have a big cuddle first?" I asked. Oakley grinned and gave me a big hug.

"Okay pwesent now" she jumped off my bed and stood by my room door. I shook my head with a laugh and got up, tossing on a shirt and following her out to the living room where my family was already waiting. Oakley gasped and ran to the tree with full excitement. There was a lot under the tree considering my mom still likes to do Santa for us grown kids too,

"Yours are in Santa paper Oakley" Harry spoke, sitting by her and helping her form a pile of her gifts.

The toddler began ripping paper and about screamed when she saw her first present, which was on the larger size. It was a set of Disney princess plush dolls. She was wanting Barbies but I just can't bring myself to do it yet. She'll still put small things in her mouth and it makes me nervous.

The next thing she opened was a pair of green rain boots. She asked Santa over and over again for a pair of rain boots. I think we wrote a hundred letters about it. So she got the damn rain boots.

The rest of what she got was either clothes or Blues Clues. The girl is obsessed with Blues Clues. She got a Blue pillow pet, a dance and sing along Blue, figurines of all the people, a little Blues Clues activity set, Blue pajamas, a Blues Clues blanket, and finally a little Blues Clues drum that had other little instruments inside,

"Santa knew you liked Blues Clues" my mom laughed,

"Go get your stocking Oakley," I told her. She nodded furiously and ran to it, grabbing it off the hook and running to me with it. She dumped out what was in it- which was just some candy, a sippy cup, and a coloring book- then her eyes focused on the little card that fell out. I, of course, already knew what it was and that it was going to be her favorite present,

"Let's read it" I smiled and pulled her into my lap, taking the card in my hands, "Dear Oakley, I have one more present for you. To get it, go check Daddy's music room. From Santa"

Oakley's eyes widened and she got off my lap. I stood and we headed downstairs, my family all following us.

Oakley jumped as I put my hand on the doorknob. I was hardly keeping my excitement for her.

I slowly opened the door and we walked in. As soon as Oakley saw the little brown dog laying on the dog bed, she lost it. She squealed and she jumped and she hugged my legs,

"Should we go pet him?" I asked. Oakley nodded and held my hand as we walked over and sat on the floor,

"He doesn't have a name. What should we name him?" I asked,

"Blue" she proudly spoke,

"How about something else. You already have a stuffy doggy named Blue" I suggested. She nodded and her little brain started to think,

"Bear" she stated just as proudly as she states Blue. I was wanting to turn it down but when she said it, the small dog woke up. He stood and shook out then calmly went and climbed in Oakley's lap. One reason that this is the dog I picked out was because of how calm he was. Oakley doesn't do good with crazy dogs. South and Moose are a lot for her,

"I think he likes his name" Lauren spoke. Oakley giggled and hugged the dog,

"Hi Bear" Oakley smiled, "I'm Oakley"

I smiled, watching as she interacted,

"Look Oakley" Harry knelt down, "All his doggy supplies are here too"

Harry grabbed the box of dog stuff I had gotten and pulled out a chew toy. Bear saw the toy and jumped off Oakley's lap and began tugging at the toy in Harry's hand.

Lauren ended up sitting on the floor, playing with Bear along with Harry and Oakley. I stood and stepped back to where my mom was,

"She's happy" she patted my back,

"I cannot believe I got us a dog" I rolled my eyes, "We literally are leaving in a few months"

"But it's worth it seeing how happy she is, isn't it?" Mom pressed,

"It really is" I grinned. All I want is for Oakley to be the happiest she can be.

"Hey Oaks" I spoke up, getting the toddler's attention, "Why don't we take Bear and all his things upstairs?"

She nodded and stood, picking up the dog. I grabbed the box of supplies and Harry grabbed the dog bed and cage. Once we got upstairs, Oakley put Bear down and he began running around the house, Oakley chasing after him,

"She'll go to bed easy tonight if she spends all day doing this" Lauren laughed, that was until Bear found his bed and laid down, "Well, maybe not. You got a lazy dog"

"I know. Picked him for a reason" I smirked, "They told me he was a calm and lazy dog. I didn't want a hyper one and Oakley's scared of hyper ones"

"Well you picked good I guess"


After a long day, it was time for Oakley to get ready for bed. She played and played all day so I know she's sleepy.

I walked into her room and smiled at the sight. She was sitting on the floor hugging Bear. I took my phone out and took a picture, posting it on my Instagram:


liked by calumhood and 234,274 others@ashtonirwin: time to welcome the newest member of the Irwin (and 5sos) family- Bear Irwin 💙🥺^@calumhood: about damn time you got the kid a dog🙄^@sierradeaton: aww they look so cute🥺💙🐶

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

liked by calumhood and 234,274 others
@ashtonirwin: time to welcome the newest member of the Irwin (and 5sos) family- Bear Irwin 💙🥺
^@calumhood: about damn time you got the kid a dog🙄
^@sierradeaton: aww they look so cute🥺💙🐶


"Time for bed baby" I spoke. Oakley nodded with a yawn,

"No baf, just pjs" she told me. I laughed but nodded and she dragged over to her dresser and picked out her flamingo footie pajamas. I helped her change and then she crawled into bed,

"Did you have a good Christmas?" I asked,

"Mhm" she nodded, "It was da bestest"

I laughed a little and kissed her head. I looked around her room for Bear and found him already sleeping on his bed that she brought in here,

"If you want Bear to sleep somewhere else, just yell for me," I told her, making her nod, "Okay. I love you"

"Wove you too Daddy"

"Goodnight babygirl"

"Night night Daddy"

Mini Me // A.I (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz