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< Monday 20, 2021 >

{ Ashton }

I was finishing up getting ready in my bathroom as the door was pushed open and Oakley walked in. She didn't say anything, just walked to me and hugged my legs. Today is court day and I know she knows that,

"Good morning baby" I smiled. She just looked up at me with a pout. I sighed and picked her up, sitting her on the counter.

"I go wif you?" she asked,

"No baby. You're gonna stay here with Aunt Lauren and Uncle Harry" I told her, "Grandma is coming with me"

She nodded. I was so glad when my lawyer told me that Oakley didn't have to be there. I did not want her to have to sit through all of that.

"I'm gonna do my absolute best to make sure you stay here with me" I promised. She just nodded and hugged me. I kissed her head and held her,

"Let's go get your milk and put your show on," I told her. She smiled and nodded. I helped her to her feet as she took off, grabbing her baby blanket and stuffed animals on the way.

As we entered the main area of the house, my mom and Lauren were already up. Lauren was sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone and my mom was sitting at my counter,

"Ash we have to leave soon" my mom reminded as she looked at the time,

"I know I know" I sighed, working around my kitchen and getting Oakley's sippy cup filled up. I walked back over to the couch and handed my daughter her cup before sitting down and kissing her head,

"I got to go now. Be good for Lauren and Harry" I told her,

"I will" she giggled, "Wove you Daddy"

"I love you more princess"


My mom and I got to the family courthouse and headed inside. I was a nervous wreck. I was physically sweating,

"Honey, you have to calm down" my mom rubbed my back, "It is going to be fine"

I nodded and tried to take a couple of deeps breaths as my lawyer approached,

"Good morning" he smiled, shaking my hand,

"Good morning" I smiled back,

"So what're his chances?" my mom bluntly asked,

"Well with the amount that he's reached out for Miss Blaisdel to see her daughter and she refused, he's set. He'll keep her. It won't be full custody most likely but it will be about eighty percent custody" he explained, making me thank the gods above.

As he walked off, my mom rubbed my back,

"Let's go" she nudged me. I nodded and began following my lawyer into the small family court room.

I took a seat next to my lawyer as my mom sat off in the back of the room. Kay walked in moments later with her lawyer and sat at another place.

We waited for a bit then the judge entered, which we all stood for. As she sat, we sat.

"So, Miss Blaisdel, you're going in for seventy-five percent custody over yours and Mr. Irwin's daughter, Oakley?"

"Yes" Kay spoke,

"Why?" The judge asked,

"Because she's my daughter and I hardly get to see her because of him. He doesn't allow me to see her" Kay defended herself,

"Are you sure?" The judge spoke, making Kay nod.

The judge then looked at me,

"Mr. Irwin, your response?"

"I try to make sure Oakley gets to see her mother. I set up dates, I give options of dates and she will either ignore them, tell me no, or change it at the last minute" I stated,

"You've also stated in your documents that she took your daughter on a trip without telling you they were going or where they were going?" She asked me, making me nod,

"Mr. Irwin did that as well" Kay's lawyer interjected, "He took the child in question on a vacation without informing"

"According to the evidence provided, I have text messages of Mr. Irwin informing Miss Blaisdel of the trip" the judge spoke.

It got quiet, probably because Kay was lying in court.

"I already know my decision. Miss Blaisdel, all evidence shows that you do not support Oakley in any way. Mr. Irwin, you will have custody over Miss Oakley. Miss Blaisdel, your visitations will be controlled by Mr. Irwin. Dismissed"

My whole face lit up with a smile. I quickly turned to find my mom standing with a big smile.

Once I was good to go, I went straight to her as she hugged me,

"I'm so happy for you Ashton" she whispered. I hugged her tight before letting go.

"Alright, let's get home so I can see my baby" I beamed. My mom chuckled and followed me out of the court room, where I was face to face with Kay,

"You can have her. The only reason I wanted her was so you'd suffer" she spit then walked off. My mouth kinda dropped,

"You are going to have to have a very big conversation with Oakley tonight" my mom informed, "And don't think that's the end of Kay. That was too easy"

"I know"


As soon as we walked in the house, Oakley was running full speed to me, tackling me into the biggest hug,

"You get to live here with me Oaks" I smiled, kissing her little face,

"What 'bout Mommy?" she asked next, making me sigh,

"Well, Mommy doesn't want to be a Mommy anymore" I explained. She nodded and hugged me again,

"I happy I stay here"

"Me too baby girl. Me too"

Mini Me // A.I (completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora