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Zhavi's POV

"One, two, three... Wait where is the other one? Mummy will soo k.. oh yes!" I'm in my brother's room trying to put back all his bullets, mummy never let me play with any real weapons just like River. It's not fair!

I want to be a great hunter just like papa but mummy never lets me train with the real weapons! Papa used to let me take the hand knives so I can be ready for the machetes.

One day I cut my left arm accidentally and since then mummy has always made sure papa doesn't give me any knives till I'm ready.

Mummy says a 12 year old can not hold "dangerous" weapons but she lets me hold a bow and an arrow, that's bad parenting . I always loved machetes, I always watch papa train with them and it looks more fun.

I heard a sound from the door, I hope it's not River because he will tell on me. Quickly closing the drawer I head over the door but before I reached the door I heard a loud scream. Is that mummy?

"Stay away from her!" I heard my father scream from downstairs. What is going on? "Moooom!" River? What's happening?

"You think you can kill my sister and all will be good hunter? Blood for blood." I heard a man say, then silence.

I want to go and see what is happening but what if it's a trap and I'll get in trouble? I don't know what's going on.

I back up from the door and accidentally break my brother's snowglobes. The glass made too much noise as it should have.

"Alpha you heard that?" I hear another man say.

Alpha? Oh no wolves! I need to hide! Quick think Zhavi, think! Yes! I say to myself as an idea comes to mind. Wolfsbane, my brother has wolfsbane! Wolves hate wolfsbane.

I pour my brother's wolfbane all over me and by the door before I heard someone come upstairs.

"Smells like wolfsbane Alpha." The man behind the door says. "This room is covered with too much wolfsbane it's suffocating."

"Who is in there Gracia?" The man asks. "Open that door Jake!" He orders.

The door is yanked open and I see a tall man with long blonde hair. Who is this?

"A little girl Alpha." He says not taking his eyes off me. "A very pretty little girl." He continues, immediately I see danger.

"Get her." The Alpha orders.

The man takes in a deep breath before his face changes into one of disgust.

"The room is filled with wolfsbane and she is covered all over with it." The man replies.

"Smart little girl, we're coming up." I hear the Alpha say. I heard more footsteps coming from the staircase.

The first thing I see is a man behind him, three other men holding papa and River. The man I think is the Alpha has a scar across his face, a dark brown beard wearing a black shirt and pants with blood on his hands.

"Never analyse the Alpha little one, you might like what you see." He says with a wink, gross!

"She is just a kid stay away from her! Father do something!" River struggles from the man's hold but he punches him down.

I take a step forward wanting to get to my brother but I can not get out of the room.

"Ah now that's a trigger, I'm guessing that this is your other kid Gracia, what is your name little one?" The Alpha asks. I stay quiet.

"You know I came all the way from America to England just to visit your family, and I get the silent treatment? How rude of you." He continues with fake chuckles.

"What do you want?" I finally speak my voice sounding more bold than I intended.

They all start laughing at me. "You are headstrong aren't you little one? But I will be straight forward too. I came for revenge and I want you to get here, don't worry, I won't hurt you but he will die if you don't." He points to River. "Time is money you know. You are wasting mine." He continues.

Father always taught me not to fall for bait so I stay where I am. The Alpha looks at me for a moment before nodding at the man holding my brother. The man's nails extend and he burries them into my brother's shoulder.

Screams, strong piercing screams are the only sound I hear in the room. My heart breaks at the sound and I feel a sharp pain on my chest. My brother screams, now I'm not sure what to do. I see blood gushing out of him, a pool of my brother's blood all over the floor.

No one told me I had to choose between my brother's life and my safety. Papa never told me about that, where's mum? I want my mum.

My limbs suddenly felt weak, I can't think. All I see is myself going to save my brother but my legs are not moving because I can not disobey my father's orders. I close my eyes and try to think of something to distract me.

Crack! I snap open my eyes to see my brother fall on the ground. My breath leaves me, I feel my soul separate from my body. A million thoughts in my mind and none of them make sense. I see blood, I see my brother body, not moving as still as the dolls in my room. My heart in smaller pieces than the glass on the floor.

My eyes fixated on the body on the ground. River's body. My brother's body. He's gone and it's my fault.
The man kicks my brother's souless body inside the room like it's nothing.

"Now look what has happened princess. You did not follow a simple order, now your brother is dead. Just like your mother." Mother? No....

I feel a tear fall down, the sharp pain in my chest gets stronger by a minute. More tears roll down my face and with each tear I feel weaker. The men start laughing at my sorrow. Their laughs making me angry.

The sadness inside me starts to fade, the tears start to burn on my cheeks. My heart stops hurting, suddenly it is filled with rage. My face now is heating with anger and my hands in fists start to shake.

I stop crying and look at the four men, now with hatred. My heart now cold, as hard as the ice in wintertime. "Are you done crying little one? Good save those tears for this one." The Alpha says heading for my father.

He suddenly stops and sniffs the air. "More hunters are coming, might as well leave him miserable with his little brat." Says the alpha before he pushes my father inside the room and they all turn to leave.

I quickly get on my knees to get to pick my father up from the floor. Before all the men leave, the blonde haired one stops and looks back at me. Our eyes meet, he looks for a short while before his Alpha calls.

"Jake! We're leaving, now." He finally leaves.

After a few moments people enter downstairs, and my father still frozen in my arms. I never remove my hands from him until I see Kane, the king's right hand man enter.

"Mr Gracia, little Zhavi." He says taking my father from me.

"Hon are you okay?" Says Julia, Kane's wife as she picks me up. I say nothing still looking at my brother's body.

I have nothing to say, I will never be okay. My life was taken from me and no one can bring it back. From that day I had made a promise to myself. Just like he said, "Blood for blood."

Heyy again guys, I hope you're enjoying the story, don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story. More chapters coming you r way. Xoxo(◠‿◕)

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