Chapter 33

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Zhavi's POV

Holden and I stand in the middle of a field halfway away from my mate and halfway to our enemies. He refused to hold me like his prisoner so he only has his hand on my waist in a way of protecting me incase they try something. My mother's giving us a calm smile, she seems to be searching for something behind us. She's so blowing our plan but I have faith Zafirah can still hold it.

"Where is my mate." Holden demanded.

The plan is simple, the person that comes to take me from Holden will die the minute Holden gets a hold of his mate. Shane plans on using his affinity on them from the distance, he actually prefers it to be Tyler or James.

Tyler comes from behind with a very angry and shouting Lydia. "I will so kill you, you cow shit!" She said trying to break free but Tyler's grip looked tight.

Holden took a step forward and my reflexes made me stop him. It's not exactly the right time yet.

"She will walk here while Tyler meets her halfway and takes her instead." Killian says.

"We meet halfway." Holden demands.

"No, no, no, no, no son. If you do that you could kill the boy. Let the girls trade alone." He says. Okay this might have not been the plan and Shane might be hating this.

I start to walk forward and Holden holds my hand, he is scared and is in great conflict with himself. I can take this Tyler kid actually but I know him and Shane do not agree considering I am carrying another person. This is a very bad timing now I get Shane's worry.

I look at him and gently remove my hand, I'm hoping he can trust me. I walk towards them and Tyler starts to walk to me. My eyes are not on Tyler but on Zaralena and Killian, they are the threat. Not to mention a smirking James by them. He is enjoying this too much. I also saw a face I didn't think I'd see, Melissa was looking like she was having second thoughts on being on that side.

Tyler and Lydia approach me, he extended his hand and I took it and he let go of Lydia.

"Zhavi you don't have to do this." Lydia says.

"Just go to Holden. I'll be fine." I tell her as Tyler roughly pulls me to him with a smile. On our way to my mother, I turned my head and noticed Lydia was an inch away from Holden when Tyler started coughing and struggling for air, he crouched down when a huge tornado started rounding up on us. I watched as the boy's eyes turn red from the lack of air. A huge green force stroke the tornado causing it to vanish.

Without thinking, I turn on my heel and head to Holden and Lydia when a vampire tackled me on the ground and I fell hard on my back. Soon his body was removed from me and his spine was separated from his body. Blood splatted all over my face, it went in my mouth. Euwwwww!

"Thanks for the blood shower." I tell Brandon while he helps me get up from the ground.

"I'm sorry Queen Zhavi, but we need to go now." He says and then guides us to where the others are. Behind us the battle had begun, wolves and vampires fighting to the death. Some Vamps on our side some against.

Raven was holding some sort of forcefield around us that vampires couldn't reach. From a distance I saw a girl that looked to be 15 years old with her own forcefield, her eyes were glowing an emerald green all over. She seemed to be struggling just like Raven. My sister kept her eyes on our mother who is trying to distract everyone of the opposite side, I guess she's fighting her.

Everything was intense, as soon as Holden had Lydia to safety he fled to battle field. He killed every vampire in his sight that you'd think he was killing one of his own, I think he can see his own though. I never underestimated Holden but I also never thought he was a deadly killing machine, I never thought I'd see a scary side of him. Better not get on his bad list.

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