Chapter 31

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Zhavi's POV

I woke up with the smell of fresh cooked pancakes, bacon and eggs. Oh my the bacon. I love love meat, who doesn't eat meat? Mother nature should forgive me for eating her animals but she creates the best meals. The ones that bring happiness. But where is this lovely smell coming from? I know mother nature doesn't provide her babies for breakfast.

"Pecas, baby wake up. It's 6 am." A soft deep voice said followed by a warm hand brushing some of my hair away.

"No stay away." I tell him while turning my back away from him.

"So you expect me to eat all this bacon." Wait the bacon is real?

I snapped my eyes open and jumped to a seating position, I saw Shane's face looking a little more handsome or is it my eyes. Or is it last night? Either way he has this glow, his hair is tied to a tiny bun and I thought I messed it but it looks good. It looks longer than it was when I met him. He is glowing!

"Why do you look tenfold sexier than before?" My mouth speaks without my control.

"Did I also break your filter pecas?" He says with a huge grin.

Deciding to ignore what he says, I take the trey of lovely foods from him and out it on my thighs and I start digging in.

"Do you want to know how you look?" He teases me. He is so not doing this right now. I give him the stink eye not caring how I look. I always feel when I look horrible in the morning and today I'm sure I look like shit, not to mention I didn't do any small braids for when I sleep so my hair is in a position.

"You look beautiful baby." He says placing a kiss on my forehead.

"So what are we doing today?" His elbows rest on his knees and he starts to rub his hands on his face out of frustration.

"Training, I prefer you train Zafirah first before you. Holden came back and I woke up really early and so did he, we had a small talk on how we were to do things today." He looks at my reaction for a moment but he finds nothing. I can't think of focusing on anything other than food right now.

"There's something you're not telling me but I'll wait for you to tell me. You can't hide anything from me." It's the first time I actually don't stay quiet and tell him that I know he is keeping a secret. Forcing him could lead to him lying instead.

"Actually, your sister will tell you today when she trains you."

Oh? It doesn't sound pleasant so I have to physically and mentally prepare myself for what's about to come.

Shane left to give me some time to take a shower and get ready for the day. I feel very weird today like something on my body is different. I'm guessing it's because of the eggs? I haven't eaten eggs in a long time because I didn't like them anymore.

The shower was a relief and made my body relax although my tummy was still a bit upset. As I was about to step out of the shower, I felt a bile rising up my throat and I literally got out of the shower to release all of my breakfast. Last time I threw up I was 11 and I had food poisoning. My stomach is not weak so it's not common for me to puke. And this shit doesn't smell like how it smelt when I was eating it. Yuck!

I brushed my teeth so hard that it hurt my gums. I kept gagging on the toothbrush because I wanted to make sure the smell was gone. I live with freaking wolves who could smell me coming a mile away. They definitely will be picking up on my stinky mouth.

As soon as I feel like I'm good, my stomach didn't feel empty though I threw up so I decided not to eat again until training.

When I got out I'm met with my friend, Jammie sitting on the bed like she owns the place. Next to her was my fighting gear. I smile at the girl enjoying herself while watching tik toks on her phone.

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