Chapter 6

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Shane's POV

Alpha Connor's problem has luckily subsidised. Little to no hunters are attacking, even the masked hunter..

Part of me is relieved and the other part is worried, where could they have gone? I'm not complaining but at the same time it is very suspicious.

I heard a knock on my office door and by the smell I could tell who it is.


The person enters and the whole room seemed to have different.. energy. Because of what happened, nothing will ever be the same again.

"I saw that I'm a little behind work, because of the schoolwork and flunking out on you Thursday, so I'm going to the office. I won't be back in a few hours." I nod slightly trying not to make eye contact.

I cant work with her if this situation is not solved. Sighing in annoyance i stop her,"Wait, Lydia we need to tal-"

My office phone starts to ring and I look at it before finishing my sentence. Who is seriously calling this late.

"Maybe we'll talk next time "

Lydia mumbles a "Okay.." before she leaves the room.

"What can I help you with." I ask the person at the end of the line.

"I got some information that might peak your interest." He knows I like it when you're straight to the point.

"Does it concern me?"

If it's not something that can help with these problems I'm facing then I couldn't care less of what he has to say.

"It concerns Zaralena. Daughter of the Snow Queen."

I did not expect this..

"Time and venue."

"Ruby Road Restaurant. 10 minutes sharp."

"Very well."

I haven't talked to him in a while because I'm not fond of their kind and I have every reason not to be, but this is Zaralena we're talking about. Since we are at peace and after we both took over, we decided it would be better to be allies and this is him keeping that promise.

Holden has always been the "good boy" in my mother's and my father's eyes and even after his father's betrayal. I was constantly compared to him and our little feud also went as far as us fighting over Lydia when we were young. It is strange how close we were and yet we shared feelings for the same person but we let her choose. As kids it was never serious and we were only to determine who Lydia likes when we were older but because of the war, that never happened and instead she ended up with me, until now.

I took the keys of my 2019 Lincoln Continental black and head for my door mentally preparing myself for whatever Holden has for me. I inform Christian that I won't be at the office tonight, I have some personal problems I need to attend.

It's Saturday today and my mind is still not at the right place. I had promised my mate to see her tomorrow afternoon but there's just something bothering me that if my mate was a werewolf, she would hate me for. Since she is human, she will understand which is good because I do not want drama with my mate yet. I want to make the most of the time I have with her.

Ruby Road is an upper class restaurant where I meet most of the important people and mostly clients. One of my pack members, Raphael, owns it so technically it's under my name but humans don't know that. He named it after his grandmother. He is a few years younger than me and is a genius in the business industry. This used to be a small get together for teens and he made it something big.

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