Chapter 9

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Shane's POV

When I saw Zhavi leave with those disgusting hunters my anger was at its peak. I tried to keep calm as much as I could because I still can't believe what happened. My wolf wanted to come out when he saw our mate leave. I was going to shift but it took all my might not to lose control and hurt her.

My wolf is an Alpha male therefore always demands respect even if it's his mate he wants everyone who is below him to bare their necks as a sign of respect. He wanted to teach her a lesson for being deceitful, using us, betraying us and choosing her hunter friends instead of us. As much as I would welcome her with open arms knowing who she really is, my wolf would've still tried to take over and demand respect. I need to protect her even if it means protecting her from me.

Right now I am pacing back and forth in the screen room whilst my Beta, Gamma and brother are sitting on the chairs by the smoothie bar. I don't know what to do or where to start.

"Are you sure she is his daughter? I mean she's Zhavi.." Lydia says trying to reason with the situation.

"And what is that supposed to mean Lydia? That she can't be the same person that almost wiped out half of Lucio's pack in England? That she can't be the daughter of one of the most ruthless and merciless hunters? That she can't be a deceiving and lying -" Christian stops me before I could finish.

"Don't say what you're going to regret Shane, don't let your wolf take over your better judgement." He says. I was only going to say hunter but okay.

"Look, I don't know what or how to feel. One of the hunters mentioned that the Hues and Gracia are coming over here so we need to tighten security. We need everyone to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Looks like whatever was happening in England is coming to me. Lydia gather some of our guards." I order.

"Yes Alpha." Lydia replies heading to call a meeting with the warriors.

"Damn so your mate betrayed you? Wait there's going to be a fight? Neat! Wait there's going to be a fight?! I need to make sure my mate is safe!" Greyson says.

"You have a mate?" Christian asks confused. Right he doesn't know.

"And she's human, I hope she's not a hunter too. Note to self that I should ask." He replies.

"Your mate is safe as long as she is home and no one knows of her identity Greyson." I assure him.

Christian and I head to my office and on the way I see my mother looking like she's been running a whole 4 miles with the way she's breathing heavily. "Shane honey! I've been looking for you. What is this about hunters that Lydia is talking about?" She asks.

"There's hunters that will be arriving soon, the Hues and Gracia and I don't know who else"

"Gracia? Mikhaal Gracia? The one who killed James' mate and sister?!" I nod answering her question.

"How did you know that?" She asks looking skeptical. I hesitate to answer because I'm not sure whether she needs to know.

"His mate is a huntress!" Greyson shouts from behind while he runs away, I close my eyes muttering a "little piece of shit" for him putting me in trouble.

"You found your mate and you didn't bother to tell me?! What is wrong with you boy!" She says hitting my right shoulder. Ow?

"Where is she? I wanna meet her." She continues.

I know I might get a punch or a kick after I tell her all of this. Guiding her in the office I make her sit down while Christian goes to help Lydia.

"So? Why am I sitting down? Where is the future Queen Shane?" She crossed her arms and laid back on the chair.

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