Chapter 8

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Jane's POV

I have been feeling very worried about Zhavi lately. Don't get me wrong I love the Zhavi that lets me do her make up and dress her up to go out but I'm scared that she's falling way too deep for a wolf. A wolf!

The worst part is that I've never seen her this happy. Ever since her mum and River died she's always kept to herself and a lot of people feared her. Some people wouldn't believe when they see what she is now, she smiles, she's glowing and her eyes are sparkling. They no longer hold the dark brown colour they once had, they have turned a lighter shade of brown as if changing colour. All because of this Alpha.

It hasn't passed my mind that she may be his mate. Wolves don't like humans very much and he thinks Zhavi is a human so why would all of a sudden would he choose her?

And then it hits me. What if he does know she's not human? Wait a minute...

"Hey G, do you think Zhavi's plan is going to work? You know about taking down a pack?" My brother bites a chunk of his burger before he responds.

"Mmh, why are you scared?" He muffled.

"Please, I'm just worried. Wolves don't exactly just date humans unless they  are mates and he is an Alpha so he would've taken her without her permission considering their possessiveness," I say playing with my smoothie. "Do you think he knows she's a hunter?"

Ginger stops eating his burger. "I didn't think about that, but this is Zhavi we're talking about. It's not like he can do anything to her when he doesn't have back up."

I give a hhm at that. Still feeling skeptical, my brother also stops eating his burger.

"Where did she say she was going anyway?" He says.

"She told me he didn't tell her. He wanted to surprise her I guess," I say taking an apple and biting on it. "If he wasn't a wolf, this Shane guy would've been a perfect boyfriend."

My brother starts choking on his drink and coughing. Wait what did I say?

"Shane? His name is Shane? What's his last name?"

"Uh- yes. I don't know and neither does Zhavi. I remember asking her." Ginger puts his hands on the bridge of his nose while his other fist keeps trying to hit the table.

"Jen, remember when Dad taught us about the former wolf King, and his family? His older son..?" What does he have to do with.. wait.

"-is Shane Jandré Verlice!" How could I be so stupid of course it's a major set up!

"Call the US offices right now." Ginger orders going to the basement.

I won't lie, I've been waiting for something this exciting. I need to save Zhavi, she's like a sister to me and a friend even though it's hard to get through her. Mostly because she's never seen me for weird when she saw my heterochromia like everyone else.

The US offices are hunters that are located here in US and my brother and I are of a higher position considering our father is the right hand man of the king.

I also head back down to get my bow and arrow and a crossbow so we can get one of them when they try to run. Once Zhavi finds out she will need her machete so I take one with me.

"What did they say?" A fully geared Ginger asks me.

I told him that we had some people here in Colorado that could help us. I felt a peng in the pit of my stomach, my guts twisting and turning showing that something is wrong. Not with the situation Zhavi is in but the part where we're just going there to ruin this for her. What if he really cares about her and we have it all wrong? What if she is his mate? She's never been this happy.

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