Chapter 7

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Indina's POV

What a long day at work it has been. I can't say I did not miss my daughter. She has been wondering about her family for months now and I just don't know what to do.

I open the door to my house and settle my car keys on the key holders by the door. It is awfully quiet today.. where could she be? It's past 9 pm and she never misses her 8 pm curfew without informing me that she wasn't coming home soon.

"Darling? Are you here?" I start to hear noises from her bedroom and I go take a broomstick just in case whoever is here will not hurt me.

Heading for her bedroom I hear a scream and I start to walk faster and when I opened the door I see Zafirah and Jayden on top of Maya on the ground. I give a huge sigh of relief. These kids will give me a heart attack some day.

Jayden and Maya are two of Zafirah's best friends. They have been close since high school and they share everything. I initially thought Zafirah and Maya had a relationship because those girls were very close but my daughter won't even give me a hint. I am hurt she doesn't want to talk about girls.

"What is wrong with you children?" I say pointing at them. "None of you are supposed to be making a mess like this. I bought pizza on the way home. Clean this up and then come downstairs."

Before I leave, my daughter Zafi stops me. "Oh mom wait!" She says getting herself off the ground. "Can we talk in your bedroom?"

I gave her a curt nod and we walk to my room. My lavender coloured room that gives me a sense of calmness.

"So what is this about?" I ask her as I venture through my closet.

"Well I have been thinking about going to England." I freeze at that thought. She will never let this go.

"Honey going to a place that is filled with hunters is the most dangerous thing you could do. They are more cruel than wolves."

I fear that she may not get what she's looking for and get hurt in the process.

"But Mom she saw me. She saw me and I was with her but she was confused.. and lost. My biological mother has already deserted me so I need to know her, both of them."

I can't exactly prevent her from looking for her biological family. Everyone needs to know where they come from, maybe they can teach her how to control her telepathic powers because she is always on people's business.

"Fine but it's dangerous Zafirah. I need you to promise me you will be safe. You're turning 20 in a few weeks, maybe you really do need to go." She jumps up and down with a marathon of squeals and does her little happy dance. I am regretting this but anything to make my little Zafi happy.

"Rules. I have rules." I leave my closet and see her already cross-legged on my bed giving me her beautiful fangy smile.

"Okay, I don't want you anywhere past midnight. Use your power to your advantage and do not read people's minds unless needed. Are we clear?"

She nods rapidly and then I dismiss her. There is nothing I fear losing more than Zafirah. She is so precious to me and I risked and lost a lot for her, I would be hurt if anyone had taken her life.

I remember when she was born, my sweet Zafirah had the lightest colour of ocean eyes filled with happiness. Her pink cheeks and melodic laughs could make anyone's heart fill with love.

When her mother gave her to me, she told me that she feared for her life for her father was a vile man that wanted to use her for evil and I was more than happy to take care of her.

When her grandmother paid her visits my heart was never at ease. She was too powerful and my human self would feel too small around the woman who could kill me with a snap of her finger. They needed me to care for their daughter but when her grandmother died, her mother was so heartbroken and mad at what I don't know yet, she abandoned her. She paid more attention to her other family and left my 11 year old baby heartbroken and looking for her other family. The one her mother removed her from.

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