Chapter 14

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Zhavi's POV

"Am I always going to find you in my room?" I heard a voice of an annoyed boy. He sounds rather bored more than annoyed.

My body only freezes in place, for some reason I feel like freezing is the only option. I look like a cat that has been caught trying to eat a pet goldfish, I don't know whether to run or just to reply. Where will I run to though? His voice is coming from the door.

"Just because you're frozen doesn't mean you're invisible Zhavi." He says again.

I don't answer, instead I move as slowly as I can. I know I'm caught but this seems like the most logical thing to do right now.

"I still can see you." He says now actually annoyed. "Get out."

I finally give up on trying to be stealth because I've been busted obviously. I turn my attention to look at the curly-haired boy with a pout.

"Please don't tell mum River. Pleaaaasseee," I beg my big brother but I regret it as soon as I see a smirk on his lips. Oh he is so blackmailing me. Darn it! That's my thing!

"On one condition," River says smugly as he enters his room in a slow motion. It better not be his laundry, his underwear always smells funky and I don't want to be in the presence of it. Euww disgusting boys.

"Let's hear it." I say crossing my tiny arms with a tap of my foot on the cream coloured rug.

"You promise not to tell anyone about this, and I mean trust no one Zhavi." He says now sounding serious. Wait when did we get here?

I stay silent watching his every move, he leaves his room to start searching for I'm guessing if mum and father are near. After he saw it was clear, he comes back and locks his room. His brown eyes mixed with a tint of green looks straight into my own boring brown ones.

"I think something might happen, I heard father speaking over the phone. I need you do me a favour," He says looking at me with a bit of pity in his eyes. What the heck? " I need you to stay brave, I need you to be the defying Zhavi with a strong heart. I need to you never and I mean never back down. Can you do that?" River says leaving me looking shocked and super confused. Again what the heck?

"I don't understand," I say feeling super confused. "Why are you saying all of this? Are we in trouble River? Don't worry I will have their heads!" I say feeling proud of myself as I copy my father's stance.

"You're only 12 Zhavi," My brother chuckled at my act of bravery, "You couldn't do much even if you wanted but whatever happens, never let him control you. Never try to live to their expectations. Don't make the same mistake I did and try to impress him and most of all, don't live how you think someone would want you to, most of all never listen to their orders, just like father said. Never cave in. Do you understand?" He says giving me instructions that I find very confusing. Who is he talking about?

"Who are you talking about?" I ask him. Do all 16 year old boys speak in riddles or is my brother the weirdest? Weird.

"Just promise you'll do as I say." I nod in agreement but as if that's not enough for him he continues.

"I want you to say it. Promise me Zhavi."

"I promise." I say now with seriousness.

"Good, now get out of my room." He says with a playful smile. It's not genuine something that looked like fear sparked in his eyes, he is quick to hide it but I never missed it.

I know I should've stopped my mouth from its next words but the urge was to much.

"Don't make too many babies in there." I say making my leave.

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