Chapter 12

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Shane's POV

I have been feeling irritated and pissed all week. I want to kill those damn hunters and to top it off I can't even see my mate! My heart is in pure agony. I can't sleep because she's always on my mind. She looks so beautiful and I miss her soft lips on mine. Fuck I hate this! How can I let her leave with those hunters when I miss her already.

It's been almost 10 minutes since the ball started and I'm already tired but I couldn't miss the feeling deep inside me.

Something feels off, something does not feel right at all. I feel like there is a change in the territory, like something that isn't supposed to be here is here and no one is fucking saying anything about it.

"The boarders are still clear of any dangers right?"  I mindlink one of my guards again.

"Yes Alpha, no dangers have been detected in all directions, even the west is clear." He answered. The west is where those damn rogues entered and Melissa decided that it's better to put Owen there and I couldn't agree more. That boy is determined and I like him.

So why the fuck do I feel weird? Keith announces from the Podium as he motioned for me to come and give my speech. Suddenly before I make it to the podium, the air shifts and my lungs caught a scent my wolf and I longed this whole week. My mate.

I turn to the direction of the scent and there stood my mate in her hunter gear and in an instance we stare at each other for a minute. Everyone else frozen in place not believing the person brave enough to open the doors to so many wolves with just a machete and no backup.

She diverts her eyes to the far corner above the stairs behind me and quickly pulls out a dagger as she throws it to the direction. A loud groan illuminates the room as it was the only sound.

"The Masked hunter!" Alpha Connor screams out as an anthem of growls follows. In that instance my mate removes her mask and cloak to reveal a beauty. I'm not sure whether to say it is Zeus's beauty or the Moon Goddess Selene but her beauty is of the Gods above. She is beyond extraordinary.

Her long brown curls fall on her back as she throws her cloak on the ground, at that the other hunters start to pop out of everywhere. Fuck!

It's an ambush.

I knew something was wrong! Some hunter throws an arrow at me and I catch it before it hit my face but that was a bad move as I could feel the burn from the wolfsbane all over the arrow and I throw it on the ground immediately. These fuckers have very bad timing, they thought they could pull a fast one on me huh? Well I am going to end them!

What worries me the most is my mate, she may have this reputation of being one of the strongest hunters but her safety is my priority. I mindlink Christian to find her as I continue killing these pathetic hunters. I can see most of them want me, I'm the main target here. How stupid to think they can kill me.

I see my mother happily fighting one of the male hunters, a grin develops on my face as I see the strong woman who gave birth to me. She was never trained to fight before she met my father as her parents believed she-wolves needed to be protected by and submit to their mates. But what if they don't find their mates? Who will protect them and their families? It was stupid really. My father trained her to fight and very few people knew she could fight, that's why a lot of people underestimate her. I was also trained by her.

The 4 hunters lunge at me with their blades as I hold one of them by the neck and throw him at the other three, I go to the back exit to open the door for the helpless wolves that want to escape. As I try opening it, I realise that it was locked. Using all my superhuman strength, I kick the door until it opens and just as I turn, I see Christian standing with some hunter girl and staring at each other.

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