Chapter 26

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Raven's POV

I woke up feeling antsy today and I don't know why. Unlike everyone else I can't speak to my wolf but I can't feel what she feels, it's like we are one person. When we shift she controls me and I can't do anything but just watch and that goes for her too.

Today I couldn't concentrate on my classes and Joanna kept asking me what was wrong and I couldn't answer. I had this energy all day and I didn't know why. Joanna is my human friend, we share a class in Thermodynamics, it's the only time we spend with each other because we are usually paired together.

After my class I went to meet with Lydia in our favourite coffee shop that Alpha Shane made sure to never set foot again unless Zhavi wants to of course. Although with all that's happening, I think our favourite hang spot is the last thing on her mind.

"Hey baby cheeks." Lydia says as soon as I reach her table. "Hey, anything interesting going on?" I say sitting down.

"Other than being head over hills in love and facing upcoming exams? Nope, not really." She says with a lovey dovey face. Almost every day, excuse me, every hour I hear about Holden. It's always "Holden is so sweet I'm happy we're mates" or "Can you believe that I'm destined to be Queen of the vamps?" Or "I can't believe I have Holden all to myself for ever!" Holden. Holden Holden Holden! He stole my best friend. He needs to learn she's mine and mine only.

"I don't like him, I had you first." I tell her.

"Oh relax, you both have me. I'll try to spend more time with you and I'm sure he wouldn't mind." She says making me smile. Good he needs to learn he is a newbie in her life. Well more like a classic but she's mine!

"Oh and guess what? He said he wanted to do a mating ceremony to respect our traditions. Isn't that sweet?" It actually is sweet. For most wolves even though not all of them do mating ceremonies anymore, they mean a lot to them. I have respect for him since vampires don't need to have one, it's really sweet.

"I'm sure your parents are going to be happy." I say honestly. We start talking about our day, since we have different classes today. We miss each other most of the time. I notice her body getting visibly stiff.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask starting to get concerned.

"We have to go to the castle, there's something going on." She says as she picked up her stuff and I copy her moves.

We start to drive to the castle with speed, it's not too far but it's not exactly close either.

"What is happening?" I ask Lydia.

"I don't know, Christian didn't say much. He just said that I have to be at the castle and take care of the borders while he deals with this." She says. Mmh must be big.

As soon as we got to the castle, Lydia went to border patrol in wolf form, I joined her in my human form. I decided it's better if I keep guard with the gate in case something tries to enter while she is busy ensuring that our guards are on full alert. I wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone in my wolf form, considering I don't have a mindlink connection. I'm a hybrid so I'm not like anyone else.

"Was there anything out of the ordinary happening?" I ask the guard.

"No, the King just told us to immediately tighten security." He responds. What is happening?

From a distance I saw a bike heading for the gate, I immediately got into fighting mode. The guard does the same.

"It's Prince Greyson. Stand down!" He ordered. He must've mindlinked him. He got closer and the closer he got the clearer my wolf vision was able to make out that he wasn't alone and was very half naked.

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