Chapter 3

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Shane's POV

I needed coffee because I've been working all day. What I didn't know was that my Beta and his twin sister were taking me to some FROYO shop and I don't even like yogurt.

"Come on you have to try it it's really good. Try the chocolate one it's always better." Melissa says.

"This place looks like a toddler threw up or something. I'm a King I shouldn't even be here." I complain.

"It hardly looks like that, I'd say maybe a 12 or 13 year old threw up." Christian comments. Is that supposed to make it better?

"That's what Christian said too but when he got his first one, he wanted to come here everyday. It's amazing plus it's a little hot you know." Melissa, my Beta's sister says.

I might as well because I'm already here. I don't even know what to order.

A brown haired girl comes to the table swaying her hips side to side in a form of seduction. I know I'm not the only one who notices judging by the way Melissa is looking at her. If looks could kill.

"Hi, my name is Lucy and I'll be your waitress today. Here are your menus and if there's anything else you gentlemen might like don't be afraid to shout." She says with a wink.

"So if I want something should I snap my fingers or tap the table or something?" A very irritated Melissa says.

Normally Melissa is not very nice but she is worse when she's mad because she has a mom side to her. Christian has told me that she always had a crush on me and we have had some sexual relation but it never had any feelings involved, at least not for me but that was a long time ago.

We separated because my heart felt so wrong because me and Lydia were broken up by the elders 'cause we were expected to find our mates. My heart was with her so I broke it off and got back to Lydia. We may not be mates but I know she doesn't like other females around me, especially Lydia.

Wolves are known to be very territorial but I think she is worse because not only is it part of her nature it's also part of her personality.

"What she meant was thank you." Christian answers trying to ease the situation since these two girls are now giving each other deadly looks. The waitress leaves in annoyance.

"I don't like you sometimes." Melissa says. This is going to be an argument. My Beta being the nice one and his sister giving people a piece of her mind is usually arguements everyday buy end up smiling after a few minutes.

"Wh- you don't have to be mean like that you know.."

"Mean?! She was flirting and you were just entertai..." I zone out on their little argument. I'm so used to it that I just choose to ignore it.

Trapped in my own thoughts I receive the most embrosial scent ever. Vanilla and a cool winter breeze. The smell is so addictive I had to know where it came from.

My eyes searched and searched until they stopped on the entrance of the shop. There stood a girl that was maybe 5 feet with big curly hair and cute little frackles. She has thick beautiful lips and brown chocolatey skin and huge brown eyes that hold annoyance. It feels as though time has stopped.

One of her thick eyebrows raised and her eyes looking lazy and annoyed with her lips pressed together. She looks so cute when she's mad.

The moment her eyes meet mine, I froze. The force being stronger and the attraction grown fonder I meet those beautiful brown eyes. Losing myself in those eyes as if I am running in the forest in my wolf form with the cool wind blowing my fur shows that I have found a reason to live and a person to protect.

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