Chapter 13

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Shane's POV

After I tell  Zhavi that we'll talk later my wolf and I started to feel excited, as if later would never come. Right now I'm trying to get rid of these annoying hunters that keep popping out of nowhere. I keep glancing over my mate and I start to feel uneasy when she was no longer where I left her.

I have never thought I'd see my mate fight and I never thought she would be fighting like this. She looks super sexy like this, I like it. Now I don't blame Alpha Connor for having a hard time dealing with her. She fights with focus and great speed. Her face shows no emotion, she doesn't smile she doesn't show anger, she's neutral. I keep in mind that her expressionless face is most dangerous. Even though it makes me want to taker her right now and there.

I'm still mad at the fact that she is the person that has been bothering me and to top it off her father is Mikhaal Gracia. Another mole that is sitting at the far of my back.

Speaking of Mikhaal, I haven't seen him and I'm pretty sure none of the people here are the Hues because they put on a good fight so I would notice. I can't see them anywhere. I notice my mate looking around with now an expression, not a good one. She has fear written all over her face. What is she looking for? Part of me feels she is looking for what I'm looking for.

As I am distracted by my mate, I feel a Hunter's knee collide with my left cheek. Fuck that hurt! I stumble back a few steps holding my jaw as I see the woman in front of me, she has brown hair and green eyes. He hair has streaks of white representing her age. On my right I see someone throw fists and I dodge them swiftly while trying my blows too and his quick reflexes made me feel like I'm fighting like Greyson as a kid. The man with blond  hair and blue eyes stands by the woman immediately showing he is her lover.

I know these two they stick together like gum and hair. Julia and Ken Hues. The right-hand woman and man of the King of Hunters. My mate really came as a package deal didn't she.

"You are going to die mutt." The old woman spats at me.

"Not before you die." I hear Lydia say coming from behind. Where did she get the time to shift back and get dressed?

"We never thought the mighty werewolf King would work with witches." Ken says.

"Are we going to kill each other or have a conversation?" I say as the air starts to shift.

I suddenly feel pain in my chest but I shake it off while I continue fighting these two flies.

As Ken lunges at me I hear Raven calling my name from behind. I try pushing off this hunter but he just won't go away. Suddenly they both start to retreat and go through the front door and I noticed all hunters did. I tell all my guards to catch the remaining hunters.

As I turn around I see my mother on the ground with someone in her arms. My eyes start to zoom in on who it was and I felt like my whole world stopped when I saw her with blood coming out of her mouth. A loud and vicious growl overtakes the whole room. I feel my eyes shifting from brown to yellow showing my fight with my wolf and as I get closer people left in the room back up from my way as I take huge steps to see my mate.

I could feel millions of pieces of my heart all over my chest. My face starts to feel warm over an emotion that I'm not sure whether I was mad or I wanted to cry. I see her lying there lifeless. Like she was nothing. They treated my mate like she was nothing. They left her choking in her own crimson body liquid. There was an arrow through her chest as her chest heaves up and down in slow rates. The first thing I thought of was Holden. It's risky but I need him.

I lift my mate up bridal style as I take her to the infirmary room in the castle. It felt too slow to take the elevator so I ran all the way up to the 4th floor in the West wing whereas I'm in the East.

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