Chapter 19

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Zhavi's POV

What a long and painful weekend. I mean it was amazing considering Shane was so hell bent on making sure I get everything I want to satisfy my cravings. I don't want much actually, just a full chocolate cake and I'm happy.

And a bit of meaty foods here and there. He made sure to get me those and stay with me, tried to give me some massages to ease the pain, some painkillers and ice. My periods were oddly strong this time. He even brought the blonde doctor and he explained that the pills they gave me had that effect if I would go in my period soon before they are no longer in my system.

Shane was mad but also it's something that had to be done. Luckily, I bleed for only 3 days.

On Sunday, we celebrated the death of the fallen heroes. It was fun a bit emotional but it was filled with more laughter than cries. I've crossed paths with with red and her husband still giving me death glares but never dared to say anything.

It's Tuesday today, I convinced Shane to let me go to school but he explained that I can't, some hunters might be looking for me so I'll have to continue next year on a different university. He believes in me not having to continue since half of everything he owns is mine and I quote "especially my body pecas". I don't want it to be like that, I want to have my own thing too.

Today we will be going to Holden's, I'm very happy but Shane isn't and neither is Christian but they will live.

"Come on let's go." I groan to Shane taking his time to get dressed. What kind of guy is he?

"You couldn't even let me get dressed?" He says getting out of the closet.

"Well I might've helped." I winked at him.

"No can do, that would result in your clothes coming off, we need to go." He says kissing my forehead.

"Are you sure you're not in pain? You don't feel any discomfort?"
I shake my head no.

He takes my hand in his before we leave. We walk through the silent halls until we reach the lift. The east wing is very quiet, it's where his family lives whilst the others are for some pack members who choose to live here. The top floor of our wing is mine and his privacy. He says it's soundproof for anyone under it. I hope the reason is not the one I'm thinking about.

The lift stops on floor zero, which was a garage where I saw a lot of expensive cars. Damn.

I saw Christian by a car with Jane in his arms, they really look cute together even though it's like seeing my little sister do some stuff she isn't supposed to.

"Hey is everything in order?" Shane says to Christian, Jane notices us and she blushed. Aww caught in action huh, horny teenagers everywhere.

"Yes, I talked to Holden, he said to expect us anytime." Shane nodded and told him he was driving.

"How long are you guys leaving anyway?" Jane asks looking at me. I just shrug because I don't know anything.

"You can come if you're comfortable around vampires." Shane replies. Wait really?

"Really?" Jane and I say in unison.



They also say at the same time.

"You heard him." Shane says heading for the backseat.

I saw Jane convincing Christian to say yes. It's going to take a while. I notice Shane has that look on his face as if he is in deep thought or contemplating something. He told me usually that's him mindlinking.

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