Chapter 1

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Zhavi's POV

8 years later

19 long years of being in Europe? Finally! Can't say I'm happy to go to an American college either but father always says to be strong, I also have to be smart. Pshhhhh! If I can flip a bottle I'm smart.

The only thing that makes me look forward in going to an American college is reasons deeper than being the independent "human" my father wants me to be. I'm going to the University of Colorado. It doesn't even sound interesting but I have better reasons and the sooner the better. I started college two years ago, this won't be new to me.

Summer was very long, tiring but very beneficial. Ever since my mother and brother's death, father has been distant. We never have a proper conversation, or laugh. He took his anger for the loss of them on making me stronger as he says. I am never good enough according to him because not I'm River. He says I'm a pathetic, weak and cowardly little girl.

3 hours a day, an hour before I went to school and two hours after school, I never took a break, some days longer. What made him even more agitated than losing his son and wife was losing his dignity.

Of course no one judges him but himself for freezing and watching his whole family fall apart and his 12 year old daughter being the one who was strong enough to take it. Oh wait no, I do.

He blames me for all of it. He blames me for not helping when they were murdering my mother, he blames me for not following that sick man's orders and killing my brother.

I blame myself for it too honestly but I am not going to sit in sorrow and play the blaming game. I made a promise to myself and all those straight A's were not to make the old man proud, they were for me to get a scholarship to study in another country.

I can not say I never tried what my mother would want for me. A normal life, in the normal human world with no killing or playing with danger. I did, because I dated a boy named Tristan and had two friends. Tried to party and forget but it wasn't me because I could feel it's something I don't want. Tristan ended up being a jerk because I found out he bet on making me fall in love with him. Typical.

Not sure whether it was a good thing that my heart is stone cold or not but I do not have room for love plus he likes a crowd and I don't. And as for my friends well....they found my bad socialising skills too much to bear they stopped talking to me. It's not my fault I like being alone most of the time. It's actually therapeutic.

A month after my mother and brother's funeral, I met an older boy named Holden but he wasn't human. He was a nice vampire boy, but he had came for about a year because of the war they had between them and those disgusting mutts. He left when it was safe to go back. For a bloodsucker, you would swear they would be the enemy in the story. Ironic huh.

I met him after the first fight with my father. Before that he never said a word to me. I had witnessed a vampire sucking a person's blood and I froze because I never thought I would see it. He saved me when that vampire saw me and was to approach me. I never understood the power he had over him but I had guessed he was of higher ranking. We got along and he left a few months later and to say I was devastated is an understatement. He reminded me of River...

Anyway, I also met this boy Daniel who had been asking me out for years so I thought I'd give him a chance, only to find him snogging with some other girl, with my two ex-friends knowing this. He told me straight in the face that he was only with me to get into my pants.

I can't confirm whether I was hurt or not because it's not like I lost a mother and a brother. Maybe a little, but that was two years ago. It's in the past for me.

September 13th was the day, 12 year old me shed the last tears. After that I had learned to keep my anger in. I mean ever since I was 14, my favourite hobby would be killing every single werewolf I see. Of course I didn't kill kids too. I'm not heartless...I think. No seriously I don't kill kids, I have morals. I am known as the Masked Hunter. I hold a blade that has a tiny sketch of a wolf I made. It's a symbol of what it is meant to kill.

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