Chapter 4

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Zhavi's POV

I know I said I was going to see Holden but I decided against it. My body suddenly started to ache and I got really dizzy so when I arrived in my dorm room I zoned off.

I don't remember much but my dream was amazing this time. I was no longer dreaming about that awful day I lost my mother and brother, I dreamt about the person I couldn't tell who it was before and this time his image was clear. Shane....

I have never had a crush before and this is a major one. It was the way his  presence gave me peace and his scent calmed me and now he haunts my dreams?

For all I know he can be someone related to the wolves I plan to kill so I can't get all love sick for a man that I know would never give me a second glance. Besides I did annoy him so he must not want me around. Wait a go Zhavi, annoy the guy then crush on him.

My phone next to me rings and I jump at the sound. The caller ID says it's my father? What the hell does he want?

"Father." I say picking up the call.

"I hope you're well. I want to inform you the be new arrivals tomorrow. I'm trusting them in assisting you in taking care of those creatures that side. Also to teach one of them a lesson." I'm sorry what? I don't want a babysitter!

"I find it hard to see the need for a babysitter, I'm doing well thank you."

"This is non negotiable Zhavi . You might know Jane and Ginger Hues as Kane and Julia's children." He continues.

Oh I know them alright, Jane is the reckless girl that messes up every mission she goes to because she always just want to kill. No strategy whatsoever!

"Jane? So I'm the one who is going to be babysitting? Awesome. And isn't she 17 or 18? She can't go to my school."

"She's not but Ginger is. A friend of mine owns close to your school. You move first thing in the morning."

"But this is so sudden I didn't even have time to pack my things."

"The. I suggest you start." The line goes off after that. My life is hell.

I check the time and it says it's 9 pm. Damn how long have I been asleep? I decide to go take a shower since even my roommate is not back yet. I'm gonna go through hell when I see Holden again.

After a long and relaxing shower I get to my closet to get dressed. I couldn't help but notice how long my hair has gotten. Mother always made sure it was nice, small and bearable curly hair that reached my shoulders. I liked it like that but this long hair isn't that bad too. What I want to do is add some blonde highlights for I guess effect?

I would be studying right now for tomorrow afternoon's test but since I'm moving I should start packing and putting everything in my car. My father texted me the address and it's 15 minutes away from school and right next to a Forrest. I have to drive to school everyday now.

I put music on to distract myself from the work I have to do. I put on Sam Smith's fire on fire. He is one of my favourite musicians and his music is very calming.

An hour later I hear the door knob being turned and I reach for something close to me that I can use if it's anything or anyone that is planning to hurt me.

In comes a drunk Lydia and Raven laughing their asses out holding bottles of beer. I never got the fuss over alcohol because I tried it and it tasted horrible.

"Zhavi! I missed you so much why did you leave?" I did not think Lydia could be any louder.

"Uh yeah I'm moving out tomorrow. I'll be living with my dad's friend's kids starting tomorrow." I say not even sure they can understand.

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