Chapter 32

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Shane's POV

Holden and I ran and he would get his hands on every animal he sees. I made sure to be a bit further than him to make sure there weren't any humans around considering he doesn't care for anything. He is furious and I can feel it, he will kill anything in his way and not to mention human blood is intoxicating to a vampire.

He finally stopped and sniffed the air, all you could smell around us was blood. In a way that seemed to calm him, I'm way past being disgusted by blood so I just ignore the smell although it's revolting.

Four rogues appeared out of nowhere, I think about fighting them then I remembered there's an angry vampire King with me. So I just sit back and watch. They immediately shifted when I sat down, they definitely thought I was helpless.

Holden was quick to tackle and kill one, the other three all attacked at the same time. The scene before me was nice to watch, I hate rogues and Holden is taking care of them for me. Another rogue unexpectedly came by my side, he wasn't one of the four and he hadn't shifted. He was about to shift when Holden came up to him and bit his neck, he screamed which made Holden enjoy his feasting even more.

When the man fell, unlike the others he wasn't covered by blood.

"Shift back, take his clothes. We need to talk." Holden says, his eyes were back to their usual ocean colour. At least he is better.

I took the dead rogues clothes after I shifted and went to join him by a tree he was seated next to. I leaned on the tree and we were silent for a moment. He seemed to be facing the dead rogues, he didn't seem phased by the situation nor was he proud of it.

"I don't like killing like that. My monster wanted human blood and rogues were at least close to it. I need my mate Shane." He says. His voice sounded of defeat.

"We're gonna get her back." I tell him.

"Don't take this in a wrong way, I considered my father's offer but Zhavi is also valuable to me. Though what is the point of giving them what they want if they are going to get rid of us after getting it." He says finally. He knows I would've never let him but even if it did happen. He has a point.

"I have faith we can get through this and we can get your mate back unharmed." I assure him.

"Not to mention we can't afford for your kid to die. They don't know anything since they're hardly a day old." He says lifting himself off the ground. What what did he say?

"Kid? What kid? What the are you on about?" I ask him. He looks at me like I've grown two heads.

"Oh you didn't smell that?" Smell what?

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you insane?! Zhavi is pregnant!" He said finally.

I froze, I literally froze. I didn't have anything to say other than look at  Holden with horror. What the fuck does he mean my mate is pregnant? At this time?!

"No, no, no, no, no! No! That's, this is not happening she can't be. She can't be pregnant we still have this thing inside her and she gets pregnant?!" I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. Great now roles have been switched.

"To be honest it's more of your fault, on your first time you messed up? Really trusted you man." He has time to joke about this.

I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying except for the fact that my mate is pregnant! I'm going to be a father.

"You have to extra guard your mate now," Holden just shrugs it off like this is nothing.

"Why couldn't I smell it?" My senses should be strong enough to smell my mate being pregnant.

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