Chapter 34

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Zhavi's POV

After I killed Zaralena, my first instinct was chasing and killing all the vampires that tried to kill my family. In a way I was able to tell who is not on our side. Some had already ran away and some were here.

The power inside me made me feel invincible, I was faster, stronger, I had a sharper eyesight and hearing. Not to mention anything that had contact with my skin got frozen. I decided to let go of my blades and grabbed one of the vampire, my powers froze him and when he stopped struggling, I kicked the ice breaking it alone with the body inside into pieces. Oh this just got better.

I noticed two wolves fighting each other, one exerted Shane's power. It's funny how I can feel his power.

"She better not try to kill me. How do I say it's me? Paige will kill her if she tried anyway." I heard thoughts coming from the grey wolf, my main guess? Greyson.

"Greyson, need help?" I ask him,

"Wait you can hear me? Don't worry I got this pup." He replied. So I can mindlink? Or read people's minds? Either way I can talk to them in their wolf form.

I noticed Holden and Shane were circling the Vampire King with a naked man by them, they seem to have that under control.

My eyes searched until I found Ginger, he was standing in front of Melissa's wolf and defending her?

Oh no no no no no. I walked up to them, we had already killed some of the vampires whilst others left.

As soon as I reached them, Ginger still stood in defence waiting for me to attack. Is he turning on us?

Jane appeared on my side, "Ginger what are you doing?" She asked him.

Christian came up too, and was surprised by the situation. He had already shifted back and was wearing only jeans.

"Protecting her, you can't hurt her Zhavi. This isn't her fault." Ginger says.

"She tried to kill my mate and I almost died because of her and you say it's not her fault?" My inner monster started to get offended by this.

"She was mad and wanted power, give her a chance or let me take care of her." Ginger said facing the frightened she-wolf.

"Are you saying you want to...leave with her?" Jane says her voice sounding heartbroken.

"Jane you have him don't you? You don't need me anymore and I have no place here. I want to be with her." Well I would've never guessed. Maybe that's why he killed her mate then?

"Christian, you're not agreeing with this?" Jane asked. We all look at Christian waiting for a response.

"Remember when I said if I had a chance to protect my sister I would?" Christian says. He walks up to Melissa and crouched down on one knee, he extended his hand for her wolf. She walks slowly to him and brushes her head to his hand. "With the Queen and King's permission, she could be given a second chance. To leave with Ginger." He said.

"If my mate agrees then I agree." I felt a hand holding my waist and I look up to see Shane. He smiles at me and they all wait for my word.

"No! I don't want Ginger to go with her!" Jane shouts at them. "I don't my brother to leave. Zhavi tell them that he isn't going anywhere, she can leave but he won't."

"If it's what he wants then you have to let him be happy Jane, let him go." I say my voice was back to normal, my anger vanished when my mate touched me.

Jane's tears started falling down as she looked around, she noticed everyone wanted the same thing, for her to let her brother go on his own now.

"You're the only family I have," She said burying her face in her hands. Ginger embraces her in a hug, I suddenly felt emotional. Either it's the pregnancy or the fact that I never got a chance to embrace my brother like that before I lost him.

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