Chapter 17

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Shane's POV

My mate feels nervous, I can feel it and I can see it. Her heart is hammering inside her chest. She stood there stunned the moment she entered the dining room with the girls, she was analysing the situation because she definitely wasn't ready. I know I put her in the worst position because she had just woken up a few hours ago but time is against us. I want to take things easy with her but already half of the pack is nervous because we have 3 hunters living in the castle.

She looks so beautiful with her hair held up, her beautiful curls have been tied into an updo and her whole outfit is tight enough to show her tiny waist and curvy body. What always catches my eye is her eyes and her cute frackles. I'm very well aware she doesn't like them but I do.

I walk up to her and take her hand, she doesn't seem to know what to do so I guide her. I can feel the tension with the Carters giving my mate a stink eye.

I will kill them if they start anything.

My wolf says to me and we are on the same page. During our introductions they made it very clear to her that they are not happy about her being here. My wolf was already coming forth to put an end to the man who talking nonsense to me. They have no respect for their King.

They should be punished!

My wolf doesn't have any patience but I do, these are Christian's parents. He knows how they are and that's why he doesn't say anything. They also pissed him off by calling his mate names just because she is not a wolf. He let it slide because it's his parents, I know I can't.

My mate caught me off guard by turning my head to her direction when she sensed my anger. The moment my eyes were laid on her all the fire that was burning inside of me was washed away. All that anger left. All I could feel was the warmth in my chest that made me feel at peace. She is my peace. She is tranquility itself.

My anger luckily faded albeit slower than it came. I wasn't talking much tonight and neither was my mate as everyone feasted. She can feel the energy, as much as it looks like everyone has forgotten. The Carters seem to be looking at my mate with hatred and I am not liking it in every single way and neither does my wolf.

I can see the Beta female getting more and more agitated by my mate not paying attention to her.

Just as I was starting to actually enjoy the peace and quiet. The Beta female decided to open her annoying mouth.

"Are we going to pretend that this witch is a danger to our kind? The Lycans will intervene!" She raises.

My head was quick to snap at her direction, I could feel my eyes growing black all over. My wolf is trying to breakthrough. He wants to kill her for the venomous words directed at our mate.

"Mind your tongue Beta." My mother says in a calm voice. She told me she doesn't like how the Carters reacted to Zhavi being a hunter. She was already mad but now she knows that I'm already pissed so she wouldn't intervene. No one will.

"Mom no." Christian sends his own warning, as my Beta he can feel the quick shift of energy cause by my dominance trying to overpower everyone in the room.

"Don't speak to your mother like that boy!" Rendall defends his wife. "We are not pretending like this, this... thing won't turn against us!" He says giving my mate a repulsive look.

Before I could think I am already off my seat and I have the old man by the neck against the wall.

"You dare disrespect your Queen?" The voice that came out of my mouth was mine but wasn't mine at the same time. It was my wolf.

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