1.9 Ghastly Grievers

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Thomas stood up as he heard commotion outside, where it was now dark. Alby put his head in his hands as his elbows leaned on his knees.

The group ran outside and saw the gladers panicking. They all has torches and were running to the maze doors which hadn't shut yet.

That should have shut by now.

"Winston, what's going on?" Isadora questioned.

"It's the doors. They aren't closing." He answered before running off.

Minho, Newt, Teresa, Thomas and Isadora ran to the maze entrance as Gally stayed behind. All thinking the same thing.

Isadora made sure Chuck was beside her as a group looked into the maze. It was silent. Too silent.

A loud noise made them all duck and cover their ears. Isadora looked behind and saw the doors on the opposite side of the maze were opening. All of them were.

"Chuck, I want you to go to the council house and start barricading the door." Thomas said.

"Winston go with him." Isadora pleaded and Winston nodded and they both headed off.

"Get the others, go tell them to get in the forest and hide." Gally instructed someone as Isadora tried not to panic.

"Minho, I want you to grab every weapon you can find." Thomas said to the runner, a few followed him.

"Teresa, Dora, we're gonna go get Alby." Thomas said and the gurls nodded at each other.

They looked over when they heard shouting and saw gladers running. Isadora gulped. They then heard the familiar screech of a Griever.

Isadora became frozen when she saw the creature begin to come towards the glade.

"Alright everybody hide!" Thomas shouted, beginning to run but stopped when he saw Isadora frozen. He rushed over and grabbed her hand. "Come on, we gotta go."

They ran towards the crops and quickly crouched. They all got down, trying to stay quiet. Isadora held Thomas's hand as she watched the sky. She glanced at zart and nodded reassuringly.

They heard a scream and turned, not noticing the Griever hand above Zart. The claw grabbed zart and Isadora reached for him but it was too late.

"No." She cried.

"Come on." Thomas got Isadora and dragged her. "Get to the village!"

They ran over to where Alby was, who was being carried by the med-jacks.

"What's going on?" Alby asked.

"They're here." Thomas stated.

"The Grievers?" Jeff asked as someone screamed. Thomas grabbed a machete as they all stood back.

"What are we gonna do?" Isadora Mumbled worriedly. Another Griever appeared and they ran, Isadora grabbing a machete on the way.

A Griever then crashed in front of them and everyone jumped back. It got its claw ready but Isadora grabbed a Mason jar and threw it at the creature.

The creature was set alight and Thomas encouraged everyone to go around the creature.

They ran past it, trying to get to the council house. Unfortunately it chased after them, somehow putting itself out.

It was gaining on them, and another Griever appeared taking someone from the back of the group. Alby fell and Isadora helped Jeff as they picked him up.

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