1.10 Chuck?

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For the plan Thomas would pretend to be unconscious. So, when sundown came a few gladers came and dragged Thomas to the maze entrance– along with Teresa and Isadora.

They brought them to three posts, the girls were being tied up first as they dropped Thomas on the floor. "Hey!" Isadora exclaimed when she saw this.

"This is such a waste." Gally stated as gladers gathered around, two holding the girls.

"Hey!" Winston spoke up. "Gally, it doesn't feel right man. What if Thomas is right? Maybe he can lead us home."

"We are home." Gally stated. "Okay? I don't wanna have to cross off any more names on that wall."

"You really think banishing us is going to solve anything?" Teresa asked.

"No." Gally replied. "This isn't a banishing. It's an offering."

"What?" Isadora questioned as she was shoved against the pole, hands tied above her head. Tears pricked her eyes as she got flashbacks that she pushed away. Memories of her being kidnapped. "Gally! What are you doing?"

"You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the maze? After what he's done?" Gally shouted. "Look around you. Look at our glade. This is the only way. And when the Grievers get what they came here for." Gally continued.

He didn't notice Chuck, carrying a bunch of weapons. He also didn't know Thomas was listening the entire time, waiting.

"Everything will go back to the way it was." Gally stated.

"Are you listening to this?" Teresa asked making Gally look at her. "Why are you all just standing there? He's crazy."

"Will you shut up?" Gally demanded.

"If you all stay here, the Grievers will come back. They're gonna come back, they're gonna keep coming back until your all dead." Isadora explained, desperately trying to get people on their side.

"Shut up!" Gally exclaimed. "Tie him up." Gally said, repeating it after the boys hesitated. "You hear me? I said tie him up."

They slowly picked him up, and Thomas elbowed one in the gut, then grabbed the boys spear. He then used the to knock out the other boy.

Newt knocked someone out as Teresa kicked a boy in the nuts. "Badass." Isadora smiled.

Frypan cut the girls loose as Minho held a machete to Gally. Chuck then ran over with all the stuff, handing Isadora a spear as Thomas pointed his at the group for protection.

"Your full of suprises, aren't you?" Gally stated as Fry handed Teresa a machete.

"You don't have to come with us but we are leaving." Thomas told the gladers. "Anyone else who wants to come, nows your last chance."

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