2.1 New Clothes

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After entering the building, the group were taken to a room and shoved inside.

"What's going on out there?" Thomas asked before the door shut.

"Nothing we can't handle." The man said before locking them in the room.

"Hey! Hey! Let us out." Thomas said banging on the door as the light turned on.

Isadora looked away from Thomas, eyes lighting up when she saw a table full of food.

"Dibs on the rice." Fry said, and all the remaining gladers ran to the table.

Isadora grabbed some roast potatoes and munched on them. They tasted amazing. She then grabbed some chicken.

"This is way better than Frypan's slop." Winston joked as the gladers ate the food.

Teresa threw some rice at Isadora who chuckled at the girl. She took a sip of water before throwing some runner beans back at her.

They began a food fight, everyone chuckling. Isadora had food all in her hair as she tried to eat, while simultaneously trying to be a part of the food fight.

"My rice! Not my rice." Frypan chuckled.

After a while, everyone had calmed down, full and tired out. "I don't who these guys are, but they know how to cook." Frypan stated, leaning against a support beam.

Isadora sat next to Thomas, her head leaning on his shoulder. Newt sat on some sacks as Minho layed on a table, Teresa next to Newt.

"Who are they really though?" Teresa asked. "We don't know anything about them."

"Well, we know they're no friends of WCKD." Newt stated as Thomas rubbed Isadora's arm.

"That's good enough for me." Minho stated sitting up. "You guys think to much... we're free. Enjoy it."

A little while later, an older man– in his early 40s– opened the door naking the group sit up.

"You kids doing alright?" The man asked as they all walked to the door. "Sorry about all the fuss, we had ourselves a bit of a swarm."

"Who are you?" Isadora questioned as she stood slightly behind Thomas.

"I'm the reason your all still alive." The man replied. "It's my intention to keep it that way. Come with me, we'll get you kids squared away."

Isadora looked at Thomas and he nodded. They followed the man, Isadora limping as pain shot through her leg. Thomas saw this and held onto her.

"You can call me Mr Janson." The man said as he walked them through the compound, people working on repairs. "I run this place. For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world."

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