3.5 Anger Management

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Now back at the base, it was explained what they had seen. Isadora stood beside Brenda as they all gathered around a table.

"No, there's gotta be another way." Thomas stated, walking back over to the table.

"Like what? You've seen the building, she's our only way in." Gally retorted.

"Is she really gonna help us?" Isadora questioned skeptically.

"I don't plan on asking for her permission." Gally replied making Isadora sigh.

"Am I missing something here? This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick?" Brenda intervened.

"I like her." Gally stated, pointing to her.

"What's going on?" Brenda asked.

Isadora looked over to Thomas. She knew he was probably thinking what she was. Theh didn't want to face her. Didn't want to talk to her after what she did.

"What, you afraid your little girlfriends gonna get hurt?" Newt spoke up with venom laced in his words making Isadora look at him in shock. "Hmm? This is obviously never been just about rescuing Minho has it?"

"Newt what are you talking about?" Thomas asked, looking over to Isadora who had a concern plastered on her face.

"Teresa. She's the only reason Minho's gone in the first place and now we finally have an opportunity to get him back. And what?" Newt snapped, walking closer to Thomas making him back up. "You don't want to because of her? Even though you have a girlfriend who loves and cares for you? And deep down you still care about her. Just admit it."

"Newt, I-" Thomas tried, everyone watching in confusion, Isadora looking at Thomas– a look telling him she knew how he felt towards Teresa.

"Don't lie to me!" Newt shouted, shoving Thomas into the wall.

"Newt!" Isadora gasped, everyone holding befuddled expressions.

"Don't lie to me!" Newt said angrily.

Thomas looked at him in concern, Newt's face dropped– like he was coming out of a trance.

"Sorry." Newt whispered before turning to everyone else. "I'm sorry."

Newt then headed out of the room. Isadora walked forward, wanting to talk to him but Thomas stopped her.

"I'll talk to him." Thomas assured her.

"Are you okay?" Isadora questioned and he nodded. "Make sure he's okay."

"I will." Thomas promised, kissing her forehead.

Thomas walked up to the roof, and walked over to Newt who sat at the edge of the roof.

"Sorry about that back there." Newt apologised, tilting his head to look at him. "Guess I can't hide this anymore."

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