2.8 Hazy

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Brenda turned on her flashlight as they all coughed from the debris.

"Are you okay?" Brenda asked.

"Oh, yeah. Great." Thomas said sarcastically with a cough.

"Amazing." Isadora coughed, groaning as she moved her injured leg.

"Oh, no, no." Thomas muttered seeing no way out. "How are we gonna get back to the others?"

"Relax. I'm gonna get us out of here." Brenda reassured, she looked through her backpack and handed Isadora and Thomas a flashlight. "Here."

"Why are you helping us?" Isadora questioned.

"Trust me. Its not my idea." She admitted causing Isadora to tilt her head and nod. "Jorge seems to think you guys are our ticket to the Safe Haven."

"The what?" Thomas questioned, his breathing slightly laboured.

"You know? Paradise. Safe from the sun, free of infection." Brenda explained as she put on her bag. "Supposedly the Right Arm has been taking kids there for years. Immunes, anyway."

Brenda then stood up, pointing her flashlight around the room. "Do you know where that is?" Thomas asked as he got up, before helping Isadora up.

"No, but Jorge knows a guy." Brenda explained as they walked down a hallway. "Marcus. He used to smuggle kids up into the mountains," Brenda picked up a small part of a crate and threw it to the side.

"If Jorge made it out, that's where he'll be taking your friends." Brenda stated, the 'if' worrying Isadora but she moved over to help Brenda try and pull up a sewer grate.

"If he made it out?" Thomas questioned.

"You know, you ask alot of questions." Brenda sighed.

"He does that sometimes." Isadora teased making him sigh in slight amusement and Brenda nod.

"Can you just- come over and help us with this?" Brenda asked him kindly.

"Please?" Isadora added with a pout.

The three of them pulled at the metal, managing to lift it up. Thomas moved it, shoving it away as they pointed the torches down the dark hole. A strange noise came from down the hole, sending a shiver up Isadora.

"Well that doesn't sound good." Thomas commented.

"Yeah. Down here they'll be full term." Brenda explained. "Let's go."

Brenda jumped down first, Thomas going next- ready to help Isadora. She chuckled, jumping down by herself.

"Thanks." Isadora smiled patting his shoulder as he looked at her with a smile.

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