2.2 Vents

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After that, Thomas and the gladers were taken to a room filled with bunk beds. Their eyes lit up, these beds were definitely better than hammocks.

"I call top bunk." Frypan stated as he moved over, about to climb to the top of a bunk.

Minho jumped on the top bunk first though, and smiled at the cook. "Too slow." He teased.

"I could get used to this." Winston smiled as he layed on a bed.

"Yeah, it's not bad." Newt stated as the door to the room locked as the guard left.

"What do you think those guys want with Isa?" Thomas questioned Newt, he was worried for her. He missed her.

"Look, if there's one thing I know about that girl, it's that she can take care of herself. Plus, she has Teresa." Newt replied. "Don't worry about it." He said then going to climb to the top bunk.

Now dark, Thomas used some water to wash his face. The gladers were all asleep but he couldn't.

He was clouded with the thoughts of Isadora, the glade. Teresa. He was worried for the girls, more specifically Isadora.

He looked at himself in the mirror before hopping back into bed. He stared at the bunk above, picturing the girl he missed dearly.

His thoughts were interrupted by clanging under his bed. He sat up, confused.

"Psst." He heard making him look around. "Down here." The voice whispered.

Thomas shifted so his head peaked underneath the bed. He saw the boy from the cafeteria, he had a finger pressed to his lips– gesturing him to be quiet.

"Come on." He whispered. "Follow me."

"What?" Thomas said to himself with a tilted head as the boy retreated into the vent. Thomas decided to follow, not sure why– but he was anyway.

Thomas approached a corner, and saw the boy a little ways from him. "Hurry, this way." He whispered going down another vent.

The two continued to go around in the vents. "Hey, wait. What are we doing?" Thomas questioned but was shushed.

"Come on." He whispered. "We're gonna miss it."

"What the hell am I doing?" Thomas questioned himself as he followed the mysterious boy.

He turned a corner and saw the boy looking down through an opening fir the vent. "What are we doing?" Thomas asked.

"Shh. Come here." The boy said as ge looked down. Thomas sighed and crawled over to him. "Watch."

They waited a few seconds, Thomas shifting when he saw Dr Crawford. She pulled out a keycard. A gurney appeared behind her, a sheet over someone. On top was an advanced tablet, the persons vitals on it.

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