3.10 Safe Haven

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Thomas woke up, his eyes fluttering open. He sat up abruptly, looking around the small hut. He was unsure of where he was, wondering where Isadora was.

Thomas lifted up his shirt, seeing a bandage on his wound, a little bit of blood on the fabric. Thomas thought about what he last remembered, and sighed.

He got up, moving the curtain which stood in as a door. Thomas saw he was on a beach, waves crashing into the sand.

He then looked right and saw tents and other huts– people walking around performing tasks. They were in the Safe Haven.

Thomas made his way over, Vince noticing him as he walked past the gardens. Thomas walked past some builders.

Thomas smiled as he walked, seeing Isadora, Minho and Brenda walking over– Frypan and Jorge just behind them.

Thomas looked at Minho and Isadora with guilt and sadness, they nodded. They then pulled him into a group hug. All they were missing was Newt.

Minho pulled back, allowing Isadora to hold Thomas close, cautious of her arm still. She stroked his cheek as she pulled back.

"Hey." Isadora smiled, looking into his eyes lovingly.

"Hey." Thomas smiled, pecking her lips since the others were around. "I love you."

"I love you." Isadora chuckled, pulling him into another hug.

"We have come a long way together." Vince stated.

It was now night, everyone from the Safe Haven gathered around to listen to Vince. Isadora laying her head on Thomas' shoulder, his head rested on hers. A big bonfire between the crowd and Vince.

"So many have sacrificed so much to make this place possible." Vince spoke. "Your friends. Your family. So here's to the ones who couldn't be here." He raised his cup everyone following. "Here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you, its for all of us."

Isadora gulped sadly as she looked around at everyone. Everyone had lost someone. Everyone had suffered. But they were safe now.

"But this, this is for them." Vince turned around pointing at a large rock that was tall with flat sides. "So in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace. And welcome to the Safe Haven!"

Everyone cheered, Isadora clapping with a small smile on her face. Isadora smiled at Thomas, pressing a quick peck on his lips.

Later on, Isadora sat next to Thomas, just cuddled into him as she watched everyone socialise.

"I can't believe we're here." Isadora chuckled.

"Yeah." Thomas smiled. "How's your shoulder?"

"Sore." Isadora admitted. "I'll have to add that to my list of scarrs. How about you?"

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