3.6 Teresa the Traitor

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Teresa was walking home from work and it was time for the plan. Isadora hated it, not wanting Thomas to see Teresa himself. She knew he didn't like her, he had assured her.

But she still didn't trust Teresa. However, this was the only way they could get her.

So, as Teresa came to a crossing, she saw a glimpse of Thomas. He had his hood up, staring at her with a slight glare settled on his face.

Teresa looked in shock, and when a bus passed she saw Thomas begin to walk away.

Teresa walked quickly, pushing past people so she could keep up with him.
Teresa lost him in the crowd, spinning around to Try and spot him.

She turned to her right, and saw Thomas walking a different path, where hardly anyone walked. She followed him.

"Thomas?" She called out. He turned to look at her before he turned right, Teresa sped up to follow him but he disappeared and no one else was down the hall.

Teresa sighed when he wasn't there and turned to look behind her, and when turning back around Thomas stood there.

"Thomas." Teresa stated as he pulled off his hood.

"Hey, Teresa." He greeted, a look of hurt and anger hidden behind his poker face.

"You shouldn't be here, if Janson finds out your here–" Teresa began.

"I'm not staying." Thomas promised. "I had to see you, and ask you something. Do you regret it? What you did to us?"

"Sometimes." She admitted. "But I did what I thought was right. I'd do it again."

"Good." Thomas gritted, looking behind her.

Isadora appeared, placing a sack over Teresa's head before Gally came over to help them.

Newt took the bag of Teresa's head. Isadora sat with Thomas, holding his hand, Gally standing beside her. Newt sat back down near a standing Frypan. Brenda and Jorge standing behind.

"Gally?" Teresa breathed out.

"Here's how this is gonna go. We're gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know." Gally explained. "We'll start simple.." Gally grabbed a chair sitting on it backwards infront of her.

"Where's Minho?" Gally questioned.

"You guys don't seriously think–" Teresa began, looking to Isadora and Thomas pleadingly.

"Don't look at them. Why you looking at them? Look at me. They're not gonna help you." Gally stated. "Now we know you have Minho in the building, where?"

"He's with the others in holding." Teresa replied. "Sub level 3."

"How many others?" Newt questioned.

"28." Teresa said.

"I can make that work." Brenda stated as she sat down, playing with some cards.

"No, no you guys don't understand the whole level is restricted, you can't get in without a thumb print ID." Teresa explained.

"That's why you're gonna come with us." Thomas told her.

"Well, I don't know. We don't necessarily need her." Gally argued, standing up and moving his chair. "Right? Not all of her." Gally picked up a scalpel. "We just need her finger."

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