Chapter 27: I'm So Done

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"Ugh" Rachael groaned as I shook her awake.

"Rachael~" I said in a sing-song voice.

"Whaaaaat?" She asked.

"Guess what." I said.

"What?" She asked.

"We're late for the first day of school." I said.

"WHAT?!" She exclaimed spiringing up from the bed. She clambered over to the calander in the wall to see the date, 10-26-15. (idk guys I just chose a random date).

"Oh my God! What are we gonna wear?" She exclaimed.

"I don't know you choose something while I go wake up Georgia." I said.

As I made my way to Georgia's door I took a moment to swallow my fear and knocked. The sound echoed through the silent hall and from behind the door I heard a low growl. The door opened a crack till I saw a piercing golden cat eye.

"What." She spat.

"We're gonna be late for school..." I said quietly.

"What school?" She asked.

"Ours, um Granite Bay Academy, the one you've gone to since 5th grade." I said.

"Oh that school" She hissed.

"Yeah that school..." I said trailing off.

"No." She said.

"What...?" I asked.

"I don't feel like going." She said.

"It's the first day though!" I said.

Rachael came out of her room across the hall with a toothbrush lodged between her teeth, "Gus were gonna be wate." She said. we both looked at her, confused looks on our faces.

"What?" We asked in unison.

She sighed taking the toothbrush out of her mouth, "We're gonna be late." She said.

"GET OUT OF BED!!!" I screamed in her face. She glared at me shortly before punching me in the face sending me to the ground. I jumped back up looking at her with a slight glare.

"I'm getting my mom." I said.

"MOOOOOM!" I screamed in a whiney voice, "Georgia hit me!"

"So? You're a big girl handle it yourself." She said from the base of the stairs.

"But mom-"

"No buts, go upstairs and wake her up yourself." She said.

"Fine." I said with a sigh.

"Georgia~ You need to get up~" I said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"No." She said.

'There's only one way I'm getting her up...' I thought to myself.

A ball of icy water formed in my hand, I inhaled deeply and charged into her bedroom throwing softball sized water balls at her, most missed her but finally one hit her. In the face. And now she was very, very angry. A loud screech left her mouth as she shot from her bed and toward me. Not a single yelp left my mouth before I was on the floor, an angry werecat hovering over me. Her eyes were glowing gold as her claws sunk into my skin over, and over again. She sent a swift kick into my side.


"Revenge." Was all she said as she stepped over me.

-_Time Skip To School_-

We were back in hell. And just to prove that last point, the devil herself was standing at the entry way, Regina fucking Lockhart. We passed eachother, electricity seemed to crackle and hiss as we stared on at each other, sneers on our faces.


Homeroom went on as smoothly as it had before the three week break. Stepping into the class Abigail immediatly went to the back of the class where Georgia, Rachael, and their friend Jasmin were seated. They all struck up conversation until the teacher came in and started screaming hysterically about how bath bombs and Starbucks cups were destroying the environment. Suddenly a deafening boom filled the class. Everyone ran from the room and out into the halls blinding green, yellow, and purple lights zoomed past them. Looking around Abigail noticed a wizard duel between Regina and some other witch was going on. Regina lost as an electric blue spell hit her, covering her in sticky black paint. Angrily, she cast a random spell transporting everyone outside and onto the football field. Looking up, Abigail noticed a giant meteor heading straight for them. The Author smiled and anxiously awaited the end of her first story. Blinding white light filled the eyes of those unfortunate characters as they made their final debut, the person who had created them and cherished them had killed them.

The Author giggled in delight as the rock desemated the dull, cliche, world her story had been birthed in and blosomed into a land filled with promise and hope. She leaned back from her computer and thought of the various posibilities this new world had. A small smile made way onto her face as she remembered her first chapter, her characters, and their unexpected death. She had just grown so bored with them. She thought for a moment about this chapter...she could still backspace. But she was done. This was finished. And then she pushed 'Publish' and completed her terribly cliche story, Marked By The Moon.

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