Chapter 5: New Friends

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Chapter 5: New "Friends"

Scarlett's POV

I was hunting in the woods with my pack when I noticed a familiar scent: blood and vampires. I mind linked the pack immediately.

'Do you smell vamps?'

'Yeah I do.' Carmen replied

'We need to make a plan... Ok Carmen, Michael, Jasmine go left, Kathryn, Bryan, Austin go right. The rest with me.' I said.

We went our ways I smelt the rotting flesh and blood. I pulled out my 2 katana swords dripping with poison deadly to vampires. There were 4 vamps and that girl from my dream. I sneaked up behind one of the vamps and stuck it through the throat. I jumped over its limp body and slashed two necks and stabbed the last one, the girl from my dream starred at me wide eyed. My pack came and stood behind me. I pulled my dagger out of my boot and her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head. I noticed Bryan, Michael, and Austin staring at her with black eyes, damn horny wolves.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. And boys stop staring she's a girl not an animal." I said soothingly to her and then pointedly to the males.

"Y-you're the girl from that weird dream I had." She said shakily.

"Yeah, I am." I said kinda awkwardly.

I looked at her searching for any bite marks or injuries then I noticed her leg had a deep gash in it seeping out blood. I walked toward her with my dagger drawn, a low growl came from the woods behind her, I saw two glowing blue eyes through the thicket. My pack took up their fighting stance as a large black wolf came out of the brush and stepped in front of the girl. He licked her face and she giggled softly.

"You could've come sooner Hunter." She said quietly.

I could tell by their behavior that they were mates, and that Hunter was an alpha wolf, he was the same alpha level as I am. I heard a branch snap to the left and all eyes swiveled towards that section of the forest. I sniffed the air 4 more werewolves I thought, a small tan wolf walked out of the darkness with a large dark brown wolf at her heels the tan wolf with a midnight blue color eyes and the dark brown with dark green, then after that pair came a grey blue average sized female wolf with bright green eyes and a dark brown male wolf with light blue eyes behind her. I brought my attention back to the black wolf in front of me. He growled at me

"I wouldn't growl at me if I were you if I were you. SHIFT" I said in alpha tone he growled again and shifted.

"Eeek!"the girl squealed and covered her eyes.

"Hand him some pants." I ordered. Someone instantly threw him some sweat pants.

"Michael take the pack and those wolves back to the pack house."I commanded

"You, Hunter, whatever your name is... Stand over there... You... You DOG. And you." I said pointing to the girl.

"Stand in front of me... NOW!"

"Well meeow to you too." The girl on the ground said as she tried to stand up on her injured leg, she collapsed as soon as she tried to stand and cried out in pain.Her mate began to move towards her.

"Stay!" I shouted.

He moved back to his place unwillingly. The four wolves did not phase and just sat behind her looking down on her with pity.

"I can't." She said simply.

"Stand." I commanded.

"No." She said flatly.

"NOW!" I yelled in my alpha voice.

"I said no." Se replied with a stern look on her face.

I shifted into the big white wolf I am and barked so loud it shook the trees. The girl shifted into a house cat and hissed at me. I approached her slowly and growled in her face, she yowled in response and slapped me with her paw.

'That's it I'm done.' I thought.

I shifted back and instead of being naked I was in a black t-shirt and grey jeans. The girl looked me up and down and shifted back, she was wearing an ocean blue dress that went to just above her knees with a crystal

cape. I stood in front of her and extended my hand to help her up, she looked at me for a second before finally taking my hand and getting up. I walked her over to her mate, he took her in his arms and held her, love filled in his sparklingly blue eyes.

'I hope I find that someday' I thought to myself.


Authors note: hey hope u guys like it so far, soooooo just comment and tell me how it is so far plz! I need feedback. also ignore all the misspelled words and/or bad capital lettering stuffs :D anyway ENJOY!!!!!

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