Chapter 10: What Do I Do? Revision in progress

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I stood in the pack house living-room, staring at Abby's parents for answers. They had told me to wait, not to go after my scared mate.

"Hunter we need to tell you something." Abby's mom said.

"Yes? what is it Mrs. Black?" I asked.

I needed answers.

"You-your parents, they were killed in the rouge attack." She said hesitantly.

I felt hot tears run down my cheeks,

'She's lying! I know she is! She has to be... Right?' I thought.

I shook my head and ran to the forest I had to be alone I needed time to think.

*End of flash back.*

Why did it have to be me? Why did I have to be in this position? What did I do to deserve this? All of these questions buzzed through my mind drowning me with questions, that simply could not be answered. I guess I deserved the pain, I mean I did just act like a total douche and reject my beautiful mate. God why did everything have to be so complicated!?


'Ugh why would he reject me!? I'm alright looking! I'm smart...ish, I mean I sure as hell am not a dumb blonde so yeah I'm alright! Just WHY! I need to KNOW!!!!' I exclaimed to Aspen.

'I know right I mean I don't mean to brag but we're pretty hot!' Aspen said exasperatedly.

'Heck to the yeah and we're definitely and do I mean definitely smarter then those werewolf bitches!' I said with my head held high.

After I got rejected I had Hunter move out of my room. Now he was in a room down the hall. Thank God, Artemis was there when I went to the grove or I would have probably killed myself... I never give up that easily but... it felt like my heart had been ripped out then shoved down my throat.


"Are you alright sweetie?" Artemis asked with a soft voice.

"I honestly don't know..." I said wiping a stray tear from my cheek.

"How many times am I gonna have to watch mates reject eachother...?" Artemis said under her breath.

"Soo exactly how old are you Artemis?" I asked with a sniffle.

"Well today is actually my 18,000 birthday!" She said happily.

"Wow... Umm happy birthday... I hope you have a better day than I did..." I said with fake enthusiasm.

"Hey it'll get better!" Artemis said.

"And btw 18000 is like 18 to Gods and Angels. So no I'm not that old." she said with a bright smile.

I looked her up and down, taking in her appearance. She had blonde hair and dark green eyes. Her body was similar to a teenager's; slender and demure. A vision of perfect elegance.

*end of flashback*

I sat on my bed looking at my wall, thinking about what he said to me. At first it hurt like hell, but slowly, very very slowly it went from excruciating to aching. I think I'm over him now. Oh who am I kidding I'll never be over him. I sighed as I looked out the window, he was out there right now, training his pack.

'His pack not ours...It will never be ours again...'I said to Aspen quietly.

'I'm ready to leave and be free, maybe to find someone who wants us...' Aspen said mostly to herself.

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