Chapter 21: Break Free

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'What.the.actual.fuck.' Aspen said in my head.

"First of all, you bitch don't call me Abbycat, second where the fuck were you!?" I asked outraged.

"I've been here, y'know just being the responsible beta I'm supposed to be." He said.

"Are you kidding me?! even after your dad went all alpha on your ass, you still stayed here?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he said rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the ground.

"Well now you're going to help me break my best friend and mate out of this place." I said walking down the hall towards the cells.

"Hold up! MATE?! as in SOUL mate?!" he asked.

"Yeah. Mate. As in soul mate. Now let's go." I said with a roll of my eyes.

He walked briskly after me muttering under his breath as he went. When we finally arrived at the cell I ran over to it, meeting Hunter. He held onto my hands through the bars, his eyes shot to behind me and his expression darkened.

"Who the bloody hell is he?" He growled out.

I sighed, dropping Hunter's hands and grabbing Aiden's pulling him toward the bars.

"Hunter this is Aiden Woods. Aiden this is Hunter Wolfe, my mate." I said.

"Nice to meet you." Aiden said.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Hunter said coldly.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, would you kindly let him out?" I asked.

"Oh sorry. Of course." Aiden said.

He walked over to the cell door and pulled out a glowing red key, inserting it into the hole. The key made a strange buzzing sound and a series of loud clicks were heard until the door swung open. I ran into the cell and tackled Hunter to the ground, planting kisses all over his face. I looked down onto him and grin that could put the Cheshire Cat's to shame was spread across his face.

"I waited too long for that." He said.

"The feeling's mutual." I said, mirroring the grin he had on his face. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips slowly and sweetly trying to put as much emotion into the lip lock as possible. Aiden cleared his throat and we separated, panting slightly from the amount of time we had been deprived of oxygen.

"So where are Georgia, her mate, and Scarlett?" I asked.

"Well I'm right here, Scarlett is in the cell next door and Everett is in the cell with her." Georgia said, limping from the shadows.

I tackled her into a hug and yelled loudly into her ear,"Never get kidnapped again!"

"I'll try not too next time." She said dryly.

"Let's go get the others." I said skipping out of the cell and down the hall.

-time skip to after the people are reunited because I'm lazy-

We walked down the hall quickly and quietly, sneaking through the shadows as undetected as- God Dammit. They saw us. Three bulky vampires rushed toward us and I formed the water sword. Hunter, Georgia, Scarlett, Aiden, and Everett shifted. Growls, yips, and barks filled the air as the vampires and werewolves attacked one another. The noise must have alerted the others because soon we were surrounded. I dropped the sword and shifted, joining the others as they fought their way out of the circle of vampires. We stumbled from the building bloodied and bruised just to be surrounded once more.

"Fuck..." I cursed under my breath.

"Give up yet princess, or are we gonna have to tire you out some more?" The biggest vampire asked gruffly, stepping forward and towards me. I stood in front of my group and tensed as he approached me. Hunter growled and lunged only to be held back by Everett as the man grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at him.

"Why don't you go fuck yourselves." I hissed, spitting at his face.

"Why you little bitch." He said raising his hand to strike me.

"Tsk, tsk that's not very nice is it?" A feminine voice said from behind the vampires. Everyone turned to look at the owner of the voice and what they saw was a girl with wine red eyes and ebony black hair with dark red tips that sat in perfect loose curls, reaching to just below her ribs. She wore a deep red tank top, charcoal grey jeans, black combat boots, and a black leather jacket. She was nonchalantly polishing a katana, and looked up meeting everyone's gaze. Sarah's eyes widened but she kept her mouth shut.

"Who the fuck are you?" The vampire asked releasing me from his hold and stepping towards the girl.

She grinned impishly and said, "Your worst nightmare, motherfucker."

As words left her mouth all hell seemed to break loose. Electricity crackled in the air, and the echoing sound of bodies hitting the ground, one by one, was heard through the deafening silence of the peaceful forest. Once my senses cleared I saw her standing there, in a ring of fallen vampires, polishing her now bloodied katana once more. She looked up meeting my gaze and said "Oh. Hey. I just saved y'all's lives but y'know don't mind me..."

"Who are you?" Everett asked.

"Didn't you listen when I told that other guy? Your worst nightmare, duh." She said with a roll of her eyes.

"Seriously though who are you?" I asked her.

"Sierra who the fuck told you that you could show up?!" Sarah asked.

"No one in particular...." She responded dropping her gaze to the ground.

"Dad is gonna kill you for being here, you know that." Sarah said.

"Dad doesn't have to know..." She responded.

"Oh hey Abby" She said uncertainly.

"This is Hunter, my mate, Georgia, my best friend, Everett, her mate, Scarlett, my friend, and lastly Aiden, my old best friend." As her eyes landed on Aiden, they widened and she mouthed 'Holy fuck'. Aiden pulled Sierra to him and stuck his nose into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent. He muttered a single word that made Sierra's legs turn to jelly.



I'm so so so so sorry for the long wait guys and I apologize for taking so long. Schools just been taking up all my time and energy so yeah, if you want to be mad at anyone be mad at my teachers for giving me so much homework. Byeeeee.





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