Chapter 5

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Chapter 5,
"Stranger Help."

Previously on When I Met You...

The person rolled their window though. The man was lightskinned with some pretty hazel-green eyes. "You need a ride?" He offered.

I don't know him.... Don't know his intentions and I know since I'm in a big city I have a high risk of getting kidnapped. Can't do that when I got my kids with me. It's my job as a mother to protect them.

"No thanks. I'm fine." I nicely dismissed. "But mom..." my son whined. "No Lorenzo." I told him. "Wait... aren't you Penda DiCaprio? Leonardo DiCaprio's wife??" He guessed.

I nodded. "What are you doing out here? Where's Leonardo?" He asked me. "That's none of your business." I snapped.

"Sorry.... Come on get in the car. The kids don't need to be outside getting wet and neither do you. I won't hurt you, I won't gossip. I promise." He said. "I'll just take you wherever you need to go." He added.

"I don't have anywhere to go." I spoke. "Then I'll let you stay with me. I promise I'm not a creep. I'm only here to help. I have a wife and two kids.. I'm not like that, I swear." He protested.

I thought about it for a minute. It's either me and my kids stay stuck in this rain or I take the risk of getting in a car with a whole stranger.

The present.

Third person POV
Penda made her decision and that was to go with him. She figured if the man has two kids and a wife then maybe he isn't like that. Her and her kids quickly hopped in the car because they were holding up traffic. After they got in, he started driving.

"How do you know my dad?" Penda's 4 year old daughter asked. I've explained this to her a million times.... I guess she's just too young to understand right now.

"Have you ever seen your dad on TV?" He questioned. I thought that was a dumb question to ask but I didn't say anything.


"Ok and whenever your dad is on tv you do know that not only you can see him right? It's thousands of people watching as well." He explained.

"Really?" "Yes. So that is how I and a lot of other people know your father."

Damn... now that I think about it that is a good way to explain it. All those times I tried explaining to her, she never got it.

But now since he explained it to her only once by the way, she gets it.

"You get it now? Because I am tired of you asking that question." My son Lorenzo barked.

"Uh, Lorenzo? I know you didn't just say that." I said with a tone of voice to give him a warning.

"Nah I'm just saying ma, she keeps on asking those dumb questions like a special Ed kid or something." He vented.

"Ok first of all, she's just 4 Renzo. 4! At that age I had to explain a lot of stuff to you and I still do. Second, no question is a dumb question. What's dumb is walking around here not knowing anything because you refuse to ask a question. And third, watch how you talk about special Ed kids. Those kids didn't ask to be in this world and they sure as hell didn't ask to be born with the problems they have." Penda expressed.

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